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I'm caught in a scandal.

It's not supposed to cause me pain.

But it does.


Was it easy to be caught in a scandal?


Was it easy to deal with a scandal?


Was it easy to have a two hour meeting about the scandal?

Absolutely not.

Her fingers trailed boredly against the edge of the table, her expression neutral when compared to the surrounding faces, with their brows creased and arms folded in annoyance and concentration. Her expression masked the painful and repeated stabs to her heart as her ears picked up the bits and pieces of conversations exchanged throughout the large conference room; the conference room of which the CEO and company representatitves sit at opposite ends of a long table and discuss about the problem at hand. Well, a problem to them at least. Need she remind you, she didn't mind. Didn't mind the scandals being spread around about them. In fact, she liked, no, loved it. You may think she's a sadist, enjoying seeing the frequent icy looks exchanged by the couple and the quarrels that echoed throughout the room whenever certain suggestions are brought up and contradicting feelings occur. What could she do?

She was, after all, in love with him.

EXO; the hottest rookie idol group out there right now, that did not need a scandal involving one of their members to mess up their major popularity worldwide.

Kim Jongin; better known as Kai. Involved in a scandal with Jung Soojung.

Jung Soojung; better known as Krystal. Involved in a scandal with Kim Jongin. In love with Kim Jongin.

The soul-draining two hours seemed to drag on for a day, or maybe two. Staying in the enclosed room for that long a period of time, or as it felt, almost had the girl feeling claustrophobic and she was simply glad to be free. Though, she was merely free of one problem and not the other, which, by the way, involved her heart aching and breaking into pieces at the unbearable pain that seemed to never be able to fade away. On another note, the boy hadn't been too happy about the meeting coming to an end, as if it was the calm before the storm. She could only watch in amusement as Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo scream at each other with raised voices, the latter's hits aimed directly at his chest, as if trying to leave claw scars on the former with his well-trimmed fingernails. Kim Jongin could only turn a corner to leave, not forgetting to leave behind a declaration that their little 'talk' was not yet over until the older was in a calmer state of mind to continue.

Amusing, wasn't it?

It had been a few days since the scandal had appeared on the news. Or was it a few weeks? Because it surely felt that long. She nor he was allowed out their dorms until the day the companies release official statements on the scandals being false - which is fortunately, or unfortunately for her, the case. Despite being locked up (well, at least that was how it felt) Krystal made sure to keep track on the latest updates with the help of her trusty buddy, Choi Jinri. Choi Jinri was close to Kim Heechul - also known as the 'walking gossip'. One way or another, Kim Heechul was always updated with the latest gossip. It was amazing yet normal by now.

So, what exactly was the latest update?

Luckily for those who had been dreading the screaming all night, the bickering between Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo had toned down. Though, that also meant the two were drifting further apart as the 'cold shoulder treatment' towards each other was increasing by the tick of the clock. Never had anyone - even the love guru Jessica Jung - expect the two to be able to keep away from each other as much as they had been recently. Maybe it was the lack of time together due to Jongin's cancelled schedules and performances, or maybe being upset with each other and keeping away was just their way of keeping each other close in check; keeping in check that they were still thinking about the other. That thought itself made Krystal all the more unhappy.

It wasn't enough - she needed them to be even further apart.

Two weeks into the scandal and the company decides they cannot afford to continue allowing him and her to slack further. In no time, they were back in action, dance steps still precise and elegant, smiles still etched onto their faces - just like before. But something was different and she knew it.

She knew it on the day Kim Jongin had casually come up to her backstage, greeting her with his usual friendly smile and an arm slinged around her petite figure - just like before. She knew it on the day Kim Jongin hadn't hesitated to sit next to her on the variety show they both featured in - just like before.

She knew on that day - he didn't care anymore.

And that was just enough for her.

The two had undeniably been getting closer, easily overcoming the barrier of awkwardness that had been built after the scandals had decided to pop up in the newspapers one fine afternoon. It was almost ironic. Shouldn't Kim Jongin be trying to get closer to Do Kyungsoo after their little break with each other? Weren't the two oh so deeply in love before? Thoughts like that, though, never bothered Krystal - it didn't concern her anyways. She was on the receiving end too - all the better for her.

Or at least that was what she thought.

One month. Two months. The gossip about Kyungsoo and Kai had died down - it was no longer interesting. It was no longer a topic worth bringing up.

That was, until the day the newspapers featured a new headlines; a new scandal. The world crushing scandal.

"Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo of EXO admit to be dating!"

Krystal's world crushing scandal.

She had thought they were no longer a possible couple. No longer a topic to talk about. No longer together.

She had thought she and Jongin were the new topic. The new couple-to-be. The big scandal.

She was wrong. Absolutely wrong.

I was caught in a scandal.

It wasn't supposed to cause me pain.

But it did.


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