"Please.". I screamed. I begged for help. But no one heard my cry. No one saw the pain in my eyes. Every time I try, it goes to waste. But I was doing so well! The scars were almost gone! I could've been better, I could've been saved! I was almost fixed, almost better. But no, now I've lost my hope. Why try? I'm only going to keep breaking. How does anyone try? I forgot the point of surviving. it doesn't matter, it hurts too much anyways. and it hurts even more to know that I would rather be dead, than keep trying. I know " We all fall down." But I've gotten so tired. I can't be the girl everyone wants me to be! I can't keep up with all my jealousy . It's burning inside! It hurts so bad when I cry, and no one is here, no one can hear, I'm looking straight in my eyes, seeing through the "I'm fine"'s and all of my lies. I can't breath! I can't see! My tears are choking me! I can't keep it down, I can't hold it in! But when I look around, all I see is white, and I know I'm alone. No one is here to listen, no one is here to hold me. No one is here to stop me.... So I find the pills, I pour, One, two, three, then I dump it all out, and I have 63. One gulp does the job. So I wait.... And in the end, I go out alone, with no one to hear my last breath.