Chapter 2/Dating the Gangster

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Anastasia and Andrew started dating 3 days ago, but Anastasia told to Andrew they're too young to be couples so they plan to be "MU" it means two persons likes each other. They're always together. 2 months has passed, first grading is finally finish, in was top 2 in the class Anastasia was top 1. Andrew was in top 29. He does not even study. The first grading class president was Andrew. Well in this grading I have no idea who's going to be the class president, it could either be Anastasia or the top 3 nerd guy Julian. It's august 27 the first day of second grading. The teacher plans to change the class president and the vice. I was chose to be a class president and Anastasia was chose to be the vice. I told the teacher "why did you pick me to be the president and not Anastasia?" "Well I'm top 2 and Anastasia is top 1." The teacher told me "the reason why I chose you is because your a responsible student, in the other hand Anastasia is not." Then the teacher said to the while class "starting from this day, u will never change the class president unless it's needed and Megan will be you class president for the whole time!" Well I was shock what the teacher said, but it's fine. Starting from that day a lot of people likes me and I became popular. A lot if boys in my class like me but if course not drew. It was Saturday, my parents plans to go with me to the golf club because I became the class president, they were so proud that they surprised me since I like sports. I was tired of playing golf and i went to the golf club store and buy 5 bottles of water one for my mom, one for my dad, one for my sister Melanie, one for my brother Norman Jr, and one for me. When I was going to pay I saw drew buying some chips and he also saw me but we didn't plan to mind each other and outside the store I saw the 9 gangsters and Anastasia there. The 9 gangsters said hi to me even Anastasia so I said hi back. Well I was back in playing golf, I saw drew teaching Anastasia to play golf and Drew was hugging her. I didn't mind them. Well it's was a tiring day for me, me and my family ate lunch at the golf club hotel. There, I saw drew with Anastasia again. Anastasia said hi to me but drew didn't. Well Anastasia went to the Filipino food and I went to the Japanese food there I saw drew again and in my mine I told myself "why do I keep seeing this mean gangster?" Well I'm finish getting my favorite food and drew us also finish. I put my food on the table and get a drink, Drew was walking the same way and accidentally push me and both if us fall and his cheeks to mine and Anastasia saw us and I quickly push him away. Anastasia ask "what happened?" And I said drew push me and both if us fall. And Drew said "I didn't! It was just an accident" well we both said sorry to each other and I get my sting and went back to my table. While I was eating I was thinking the time that my cheeks touched his cheeks. While he was eating he was also thinking of the same ting that I was thinking. Lunch was over and we went home. Sunday was a boring day all I did was to sleep it was Monday. Drew told Anastasia that he was going to America for some important things. Anastasia keeps crying and told me so I told her it's ok. Well it's was Tuesday, he really did went to America.

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