Part 1

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You work at Freyja Fashion International. Today was your first day back after your week-long vacation. You were dreading being back behind that reception desk and doing all the tasks your boss gives you. the second you are back at work, lagertha is just gonna instantly give you an obnoxious amount of tasks. Being the personal assistant and receptionist for the CEO of one of the biggest fashion empires in the world, is a lot of work. Lagertha was basically the Queen of fashion world.
     The pay is decent but the toll it has taken on your personal and social life is ridiculous. Lagertha always calling at all hours of the day and night, even on your days off, for you to do simple things that she was too "busy" to do. Ugh, just thinking about it made you annoyed. Though, you were glad she wasn't mean. She was demanding but never mean to you like your last boss. Still, it sucked that You haven't even been able to maintain a relationship over the last year and a half of being her assistant. Sexual frustration was not helping you at work either. You were always on edge and the most action you get is in your daydreams during work. Seeing Lagertha, wearing tight pencil skirts and stockings with the seam up the back of her toned legs, always triggered your fantasies. Not to mention, when she occasionally wears low-cut blouses. Just watching her walk, noticing how her breasts jiggle with every click of her heels on the floor. It's impossible for you not to think about her in that way. Once you arrived at work, you rushed to your desk and checked for voicemails, so you could have her messages on her desk when she gets here. You heard her heels approaching your desk.

"Good morning, Lagertha! How are you today?"
You smiled at her while you got up to greet her.
"Better now that you're back, things have been chaotic around here this whole week. So you need to buckle down and get comfortable because we have to stay late and sort out some problems. Also, there was too much traffic, I couldn't get my coffee, will you grab me my usual?"
She didn't even look at you while she talked, lagertha was just typing away on her oversized iPhone.
"Thanks" she said before she walked away and entered her office.
"Great" you said to yourself.

     you leaned on your desk and called your friend to cancel your previously made plans
"Wah, come on you barely spent time with me your whole week off and now you're ditching me again?!"
Stephanie was right, you basically hung out around your apartment all week, to recharge. You've been so exhausted that hanging out with people sounded so draining.
"Steph! Please forgive me, Lagertha needs me to work late, tonight. I swear within the next couple days, I'll make the time and we can watch dumb horror movies in our pajamas, while getting wine drunk. Okay?" You can't stand the feeling of people being upset or annoyed with you, so you just had to offer her, her absolute favorite activity.
"Ugh, fine. Text me later, love ya!"
You were relieved at her words and understood her frustration with you.
"Love you too!"
You said before hanging up.

"did I make you cancel plans with your girlfriend, Y/N?" You didn't even realize Lagertha had snuck out of her office, hearing the last bit of your phone call.
"Oh no, she's just a friend."
You replied to her.
"Ah I see, do you get wine drunk in your jammies with many friends?"
Your boss seemed oddly interested. Her question made You laugh.
"just with my best friend and it's nice that she's incredibly pretty and gets cuddly when she's drunk."
You noticed you gave just a little bit too much information and blushed.
"But yeah, she's just a friend and has a fiancé anyways so nothing has or ever will happen"
you added, trying to make it better but almost making the situation more awkward. Lagertha looked you up and down, noticing your cheeks blushing and smiled sweetly, at you. Her phone dinged and she was headed out the door.
"Hey Y/N, order Chinese for dinner. I'm in that kind of mood again."
She asked you as she walked away.

    You put your cold hands to your cheeks, to try to make the blushing go away. God, you hope that you didn't go to far, telling her a bit of your personal life. Though, she did ask you. She seemed intrigued by the information you gave her. You brushed it off and continued with your work, setting up meetings and calling a magazine that wanted to feature Lagertha as their most favorite powerful woman, in this week's issue.
[9:30 pm]

"Okay I got the Chinese!"
You said while carrying three thick binders with the Chinese to-go boxes balancing on top. I also have the resource binders.
"Oh god, I'm starving!"
Lagertha got up and walked over to the coffee table in her office, where you set the food.
"Alright, let's get this over with. I need names of manufacturers and suppliers. Apparently the warehouse ran out of a ton of material. We are two weeks behind on orders. And we ordered a new type of leather for the tunics and that leather just isn't working, so we have to order what we usually do. I hate how i have to do the job of the warehouse manager just because he decided to retire early. Ugh." She scoffed and took off her blazer, revealing her low cut, royal purple camisole.
"I should really think about keeping a change of comfy clothes in my office for late nights like this. Maybe then we could have our own pajama party."
Lagertha gave you a cheeky smile. Pulling out a bottle from her desk.
"Want some wine anyway?"
She asked as she went to her shelf to grab a couple glasses.
"Sure, I suppose it could make searching through binders a little more bearable."
You replied as you threw your hair up into a ponytail.

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