Follow the Leader Chapter 6

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Encre's P.O.V

"My lord!" Suave rushed in before Fallacy could have time to respond. Suave, now looking at us, stopped dead in his tracks and quickly bowed, "I deeply apologize for this intrusion but this is an urgent matter."

Fallacy's head snapped to Suave, "What is it?" Fallacy wasn't in the mood for anything else at the moment other than slowly rubbing my belly.

"Rouge Vampires were found pestering the other kingdom outside the forbidden forest." Suave stated before his eyes wandered to the window which was now almost dark as the sun settled, "It's about night fall my lord."

Fallacy nodded and let out a sigh before gesturing me to get off from his lap, "I'll be on it. Inform Jasper that he'll leave with me. Tell Red that he's fired from his babysitting services and you'll be Encre's new babysitter. DON'T let her leave your sight."

Suave bowed once again to assure Fallacy that his request was approved, "I understand my lord."

"Good." Was the last thing Fallacy said as he got up and left leaving Suave and I in the bedroom alone.

Suave bowed to me and spoke, "Would you like anything Lady Encre?"

I shook my head, still a little flustered from before Fallacy left, and thought for a quick moment, "Hey Suave?"

"Yes Lady Encre?"

I stretched my arms and let out a yawn, "Do you think you could go get my sketchbook from my art room?"

Suave's eyes widened like I just doubted him, "Of course I can get your sketchbook."

I smiled at him while he quickly left to retrieve the sketchbook. I waited a few moments before I got up from the bed and patted down my shirt. If Fallacy really thought I'd sit here all willy-nilly and be a good girl then he was highly mistaken. Vampires were terrorizing my brother's, Tyrince's, kingdom. I had to go see him. I had to make sure eh was okay.

I quietly walked out of the bedroom and tip toed down the hall. I couldn't have Suave finding me trying to escape because if that happen he might lock me in a room. I might be his queen but Fallacy had been his king longer than I have. I couldn't be upset with Suave because he was very loyal. That's something to admire than to fight with.

I was able to step onto the first step before I heard Suave coming from the hallway where my art room was. I sucked in a breath and held it as my back pressed up against the wall and Suave walked past. I was mentally crossing my fingers hoping to anything that could hear me that Suave didn't look down the stairs and see me with my belly popping out. Instead, to my approval and hopes come true, he walked right past without even noticing me.

Now I was on a stricter time limit. He didn't have long before he made it to Fallacy's room and that didn't give me long to make it out of the castle. I peeked down the hallway and watched as Suave disappeared before I hurriedly rushed down the stairs. The main doors were in sight and I let out a relieved sigh when I ran to them. I stopped in front of them, a little hesitant, and second guessing myself. It was dark which meant it would be a challenge to move around outside. I was walking in the forbidden forest where there would be monsters and predators. Would that really be a good idea?

"Lady Encre!" Suave shouted from upstairs.

Immediately, I spotted Suave's cloak on the floor and snatched it up. I through it over my shoulders and tied the front in a quick knot while Suave began to practically sprint down the stairs.

"Lady Encre! You mustn't go!" He shouted in alarm when he saw me open the main doors.

I looked up at Suave who was freaking out, "Calm down Suave. I'll be back. I'm going to my brother's kingdom to pay him a visit." I thought it only fair for Suave to know where I was headed. Besides, if Fallacy was back before I was he'd need to know where I was even if he might be fuming about it.

My eyes slowly cascaded to the floor below. I've been disregarding Fallacy's words. I just want independence but with Fallacy always trying to control every action I make it's frustrating. I understand that I'm pregnant but that doesn't mean I lose control of my life.

"Please, stay here and then you can try to talk to Fallacy about your whereabouts." Suave was trying o use persuasion even though he knew I wouldn't budge on my plan.

I smiled at him, "I'm sorry Suave but I want to see my brother."

Suave let out a sigh and nodded, "Fine, fine, go to your brother. At least let me come with you."

I was dumbfounded, this wasn't something I expected. Suave was going to come with me but for what reason? I looked back up at him hoping I could read him, that maybe I could understand him.

Seeming to read my own thoughts he spoke, "I can fend for myself when the time calls for it. At least let me try to protect my queen." Suave stopped in front of me while his eyes pleaded with mine.

I hesitated, "....Fine but you know if you come with you'll be in trouble."

"If I let you go alone I'll be in even bigger trouble." Suave responded back.

I thought for a moment, the wind pushing a breeze against my side as I stood in the doorway, "Alright, but please be careful."

Suave gave me a warm smile, "Why tell me that when I'm not the pregnant one?"

I opened the door wider, "Because you're like family to me." I told him before turning to amble through the forbidden forest.

-Hey guys! Sorry for this short chapter but I wanted to be able to publish you all something this week. If you have any suggestions for this book then I might twist up the plot a bit to get things to become a little more exciting. Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I shall see you all in the next one! Byeeeeeee-

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