12. Advice For The Young At Heart

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It was almost 5pm, I was trying to read a book to distract myself, when my phone buzzed. I jumped, expecting to be Ville, but I had another surprised. It was a Skype call from Anna.

"Anna? What a surprise!"

"Girl, you have a lot to explain to me." Anna looked serious.


"I saw photos of you with Ville Valo on Facebook! I screamed loudly."

Facebook? Oh, great.

"My gosh... I'm sorry, I was about to tell you some news, but everything happened so fast..."

"So it was really you?? I thought maybe it was a huge coincidence, but I saw it was you."

I tried to summarise but she wanted me to tell every detail. She was stunned with the whole story, and it was very funny. She reacted by screaming on the phone several times.

"Eve, I don't even know what to say! What are the odds? I know Finland is a small country, but bumping into Ville Valo and get to know him like that..."

"I know. And it happened so fast. Everything. I feel lost when I stop to think about it."

"But let me tell you something. I know you don't like unsolicited advices, but I need to say this to you."


"No problem. Go ahead."

"I know you're enchanted by this man. He seems really great, fucking handsome and hot." We laughed. "But he may be trouble. And you don't need more trouble in your life. Just go easy, okay? Don't rush anything and try to slow down a bit."

I knew she was right. But everything was just so intense, I was absorbed by his energy. I was afraid I didn't know how to go slow.

"But I'm happy for you. I can see how fuzzy you are, and I don't see you like that... Maybe years."

The thought made me want to cry. I knew she was referring to Phil many times in our conversation. She was always by my side the whole time, she testified everything. From the blossoming beginning to the downfall of the past years.

We talked a bit more about other stuff and finished the call. It was so good talking to her, she's my best friend, I missed her so much.

I decided to check my Facebook. Anna said she saw some news about the party on pages about metal, metal magazines.

I found some links in English, but they were less about gossip and more about the concerts and they had some photos of the party. Nothing specific about Ville. I googled about the party and found one website that showed some pictures of me and Ville and portraying us as a couple. Oh gosh.

I was tempted to search something about his ex girlfriend, but I knew I wasn't going to like. I was curious, but I wouldn't search for it now. I closed my laptop quickly.

Then my phone rang. It was Ville, finally.

"Hey, Ville."

"How are you feeling, kulta?" It was so good to hear him calling me like this.

"I'm alright. No hangovers. You?"

"I have a boring headache." His English accent accentuated on the boring, which I found cute. "Look, are you home? I want to see you."

"Yes... Do you want to meet somewhere?"

"I prefer visiting you, if it's not a problem."

"Hum, okay."

"Can I go now?"

"Sure. I'll be here."

"See you soon, Eve. Moi moi."

I went to Leena's room to let her know he was coming. She jumped out of her bed, picked her laptop and said she would be at some coffee shop. I asked her not to do this, but she insisted. She said we needed privacy to talk about the gossips and all.

I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and made a ponytail. I was wearing something comfortable, but cute. I put a little make up so I wouldn't look dead.

I checked the pantry to cook something if I needed to. Ville being a vegetarian and not consuming dairy products was a challenge, though.

When he arrived, I saw it was Seppo again in the car. I waved at him and he waved back. Ville entered looking for something.

"Is your roommate in?"

"No, Leena left." I closed the door and he picked me up in his arms, suffocating me with a kiss.

He broke the kiss to breath. "Hi, kulta." He was wearing a beanie hiding his hair and a hoodie. All black outfit.

"Hey, you."

"I smell coffee."

"Yes, do you want some?"

"Please." He took off his coat and hoodie. It was damn cold today.

He complimented my coffee and asked for more. He seemed a little anxious, which worried me slightly. Probably he was trying to find a way to talk to me about the gossips, so I helped him.

"I already know, Ville. I saw the pictures. And Leena translated the news to me."

His face fell. He took one of my hands. "I'm sorry kulta. These bastards... I don't know how they call it a job. Seppo is talking to some people and he'll find out what he can do about it. They couldn't expose you like this, they even published a photo of your front door." He was pissed off. I don't know if I was so worried about me, myself. Actually I was outraged because of him.

"Aren't you mad because they are invading your privacy? I mean, I am no one, nobody knows who I am. It won't interfere with my life. But you... You can't grab a coffee without being exposed."

"I'm already used to it. What I hate is the way they treat people. Don't say you are no one, kulta. They have to respect you. Did Leena translate everything?"

"I don't think so. Is there something I should know?"

He didn't look at me. "No, it was just bullshit. Tabloid shit."

"Are you sure?"

He leaned in to be closer but was still looking down. I kissed him softly and he held my face. He looked at me with a frustrated look.

"Don't spare me nothing. Please. How bad it is? I wanna know. If you don't tell me I'll ask Leena anyway. What do you prefer?"

"Oh shit. Ok, I'll tell you. They've said a lot of... They are speculating, they say you're my new adventure. I told you already I ended a relationship recently and the tabloids covered it all the time. They theorized who you are, even made a comparative between you and my ex. But please don't read it, I didn't, Seppo warned me and it's probably bullshit. Leave it be, okay? Promise you won't read what they wrote. Promise me, Eve."

"Okay, don't worry. I won't."

"It's only going to hurt you. If you want to know something about me, you ask me, alright?"

I nodded, and he hugged me hard. I do wanted to know more about him, about what happened before but it was too soon, all I cared was about now, and us.

"You smell so good." He said inhaling my hair. I loved when he buried his face on it.

"You're not bad, too." I laughed on his neck. His scent was delicious. He also had a scent of cigarette, but I didn't mind. I kissed his neck and he closed his eyes. I traced his jawline with kisses as he let me enjoy it. He sighed and opened his eyes.

"Kulta. I came here also because I wanted to talk to you. Come, let's sit."

He grabbed me by the hand. I felt a worry building up, as he looked serious.

Suddenly I remembered the conversation I had with Anna and her advices. Maybe she was right and I had to slow down. I was already portraying Ville in a future that was so uncertain. He wasn't a regular guy, for sure. I shouldn't be building any kind of ideas in my head, but it was too late.

All of sudden I felt my heart was about to be broken.

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