Christmas in Colorado

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"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time."
–Laura Ingalls Wilder

Chapter 1: Todd

“Daddy, where are you taking me,” my daughter asks.

“Raven, it’s a surprise, you don’t want me to run in it do you?”

My ex-wife left me and Raven two years ago. We had been living the high life until one day I got a call from my neighbor letting me know that Raven was sitting outside of a locked house. I rushed home from work to find that everything belonging to my ex was gone. Raven, at six years old, didn’t understand why mommy left. I was to angry at my ex, but I told Raven I'd never let that happen again.

This year I plan on taking Raven on the Polar Express here in Durango, Colorado. It takes you from Durango to the North Pole, which is right outside of Colorado Springs, then I plan on taking her to Santa’s Workshop for rides and hot cocoa with Santa. I wanted to surprise Raven with this because this was the time of year she always asked where mommy was.

“Daddy, please tell me where we are going,” she asks again from the back seat.

“Raven Booth it’s a surprise,” I smile at her from the rearview mirror.

We pull into the train station parking lot and I put the SUV in park. I turn in my seat and look at Raven, who is too busy looking at the train. I get out, go to her side of the car and open the door to help her out. Once out of the SUV I couldn’t get her to focus on anything I was saying because she was too busy staring at the train. I pull the tickets out of my pocket waving one in her face. She laughs grabbing it from my hand smiling very brightly.

Chapter 2: Mandy

“Mandy, are you ready yet? We can’t be late,” my boyfriend, Donny, asks.

“Coming babe,” I say.

He showed up ten minutes ago telling me that he had a surprise for me and that I needed to get ready. When I come down the stairs, he is standing there tapping his foot. I roll my eyes at his attitude because I thought I had done pretty good considering that I only had ten minutes to get ready. I grab my coat heading out to his car before him. I get in when he unlocks the door.

“Where are we going, Donny?” I ask buckling my seatbelt.

“I know you’ve always wanted to go on the Polar Express, so I got some tickets for tonight. Thought you would enjoy that I also thought you could use a night off,” he says.

“Aw, baby you’re sweet. I have always wanted to do this!”

When we pull into the parking lot, I couldn’t help but stare at the train. This had always been a dream of mine, but I was never able to do it. I was either working and so tired by the time I got off so I never did anything, or, it was the fact that I was so broke that I couldn’t afford a ticket. I was excited that Donny decided to surprise me with this. I had wanted to do something like this during the holidays but never could. He put the car in park so I got out and watched as a crowd started gathering around getting ready to get on the train. Donny was still sitting in the car, so I tapped on the window telling him to come on. I see him on the phone. I tap again making him look up.

Chapter 3: Todd & Mandy


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