Christmas Love in Paris

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"Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling." -Edna Ferber

Chapter 1: Enzo

My life in Pairs was, of course wonderful, but I was missing something. You mean missing someone not something. The voice in my mind says back in retort.

"Enzo, darling you need to join the family for Christmas this year," my mother, Léa LaRue, says.

"Mother, vous savez que j'apprécie Noël mais pourquoi s'en préoccuper?*" I say.

My mother moved to the states seven years ago so therefore her English is better than mine. I can communicate, but it's very broken up. I only speak French when talking to family or for work. I am getting better at the English though.

"Son, are you still broken up about not finding love? You know the states have beautiful women. Why not come for a visit?"

"Je ne viens pas aux États pour trouver une femme. Je peux en trouver un ici, mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé "celui-ci". Pourquoi vous et la famille ne revenez-vous pas chez vous? Ça fait sept ans maintenant,*" I tell her.

"Son, you're being difficult. It will cost more to visit you there then come back."

"I'll carry the cost. I would like to see you on Christmas. It's been far too long," I laugh.

"Enzo, your English is getting better. Fine, I will talk to your father. Call you soon," she says.

Knowing my family was coming is seeming to make this day a little brighter. I miss my family, but I think I miss my parents the most. I wonder how my sister, Amy, and her husband, Dominic, are doing. I should send her a text. I wonder if she has any friends.

Amy, my dear sister, I've invited mother and father to join me for the holidays. You and your husband should join as well. -Enzo

Chapter 2: Laurie

The holidays are coming up and I wasn't sure if I could handle it. I am heading towards my friend Amy's house because she has something she wants to tell me. She came from Paris, France seven years ago and I always wondered why she'd leave such a beautiful place like that.

"Laurie, are you going to stand out there all day?" Amy's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"No, sorry." I rush inside. "So what did I have to rush over here for? Hello, Dom."

"Laurie, I see Amy hasn't told you," Dom laughs.

"Told me what exactly?" I look at Amy with a frown.

"How would you like to go to Pairs for the holidays?" She asks me.

I look at her in astonishment. Was she seriously asking me to join her and Dom to Paris? She pulls out her phone and hands it to me.

Amy, my dear sister, I've invited mother and father to join me for the holidays. You and your husband should join as well. -Enzo

Could I bring a friend? She would love to see our homeland during the holidays? -Amy

Of course dear sister. I would love to have someone to tell stories about you. -Enzo

Don't you dare Enzo! See you soon, love you. -Amy

"Your brother still lives there?" I ask.

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