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The camp? Awesome. The monster waiting on Half Blood Hill? Not so much.

We were just wrapping up our tour of the camp when I heard somone yell "RUN FOR THE TREE!" I saw another satyr and another demigod on the hill. The girl collapsed. Me, being the awesome person I am, I took out my new bow and shot at the, well, whatever that thing is. Unfortunatly, it just pinged off the skin. So I touched the gold chain on my neck and a sword appeared in my hand. Before I could charge it, Jack grabbed my shirt and said "That's a drakon. Only a few people have killed it."
In two seconds, I had a plan.
"I'll distract that thing and you get those two to safety." I said pointing to the newcomers. As I was about to put my plan into action, he said
"Or you could just strike it with lightning."
"But I don't know how." I said as soon lightning struck and killed the drago- sorry, drakon.
"How did you do that?!" Jack asked.
"Umm..... I don't know." I said. Apperantly, the guardian dragon is a very heavy sleeper.


Time laps 5 minutes later


So yeah everybody just acted like nothing happened, and went on with their day. I got some training in at the arena, mostly with my bow, because the only reason I hit that thing was because it was impossible to miss. [unless your Percy] So about three hours later I was nailing the inner rings every time. And later, Jack had an idea.
"What if you could channel electricity into your arrows?" Jack asked. So he asked this kid named Jason come to tutor me. Apparently he's also a son of Zeus.
"I said concentrate, not look constapated." I let the arrow fly, and the dummy turned into a fried fritter. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!" I exclaimed.
"Let's do that again." Jason said. Yet despite the enthusiasm of how I reacted, I was exhausted. Right then the conch horn blew.
"How about tomorrow."

Capture the flag was the talk of the night. Apparently, Zeus and Poseidon were on the same team. Ares and Athena were on the same team too. After dinner, everyone suited up. We were on the blue team along with Apollo, Dionysus, and Hermes.
"Hermes and Apollo, your on guard. Dionysus, distract the enemy. Zeus, you flank left. I'll flank right." That was a son of Poseidon named Percy, I think. Anyway, I saw the girl from earlier with the Hermes people. ANYWAY...... Jason asked me
"Do you know how to fly?"
"What? What do you mean?" And with that he started hovering over the ground.
"HOW THE CRAP ARE YOU DOING THAT?!?!?!" I practically screamed at him.
"Shhhhhhhh, we're supposed to be hiding, remember?"
"Right, sorry."
"Just concentrate on the air around you, and manipulate it to lift you off the ground."
"Okay, concentrate........" I felt my feet lift off the ground.
"WHAOH! That is so cool!"
"You ready?" Before I could answer, I felt someone tackle me from behind, and something cold prick my neck. I looked up and saw Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend holding a dagger to my neck. "Don't try anything, now move." We walked until we reached a cell. They shoved me and Jason inside and locked it up.
"Great now we're stuck for the rest of the game."
"Has anyone broken out?"
"Not from Athena." All of the sudden, I got an idea. I concentrated, and the lock sprang open.
"How did you do that?"
"Got in the zone. Now let's go" We snatched up our weapons, and headed to the flag. When we got there, there was already a battle waging.
"I'll cover you, you get the flag, now go!" I dashed between three Ares kids battling Percy. I jumped over a stray spear, and got to the flag. Waiting for me was someone named Claries, who was wielding a spear. She charged me, literally, she somehow had an electric spear, which only charged me up. Long story short, Claries ended up unconscious and we won CTF.

A/N Soooooo..... Tyler can control metal...... Interesting.......... A/N

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