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Written by AudreyTheAwesome (the last one was me too)


I clenched my fists as I hurried out of the arena. What in Hades had I just done? I had threatened to beat up some stranger boy I had just met, and then asked him to go on a quest with me! I had either intimidated the crap out of him, or amused him by my desperateness.

No, I was not socially awkward, why do you ask?

I guess I just didn't have many friends. I wasn't really the chummy type, either. Tyler would probably decline the quest. I mean, I was sort of the laughingstock of the camp, credit to daddy. Or more likely, he would humiliate me in front of a crowd. What was I thinking?

Be he didn't really seem like the type of dude to intentionally bully or make fun of someone. I remembered a gang of boys who would sometimes follow and taunt me, occasionally getting physical. Tyler didn't appear to be anything close to what devils they were.

I huffed and decided to forget it. Even if the son of Zeus accepted, my quest would probably go wrong anyway. In my day and a half of attending Camp Half Blood, I had heard enough stories of failed quests.

But first, I had to find an oracle.

Chiron had only told me a little about "Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the mortal Oracle of Delphi". Apparently she lived in a cave somewhere. I decided to ask someone random.

"Hey!" I jogged over to a choppy haired brunette girl, standing with her back to me. She turned around.

"What?" She asked.

"Um, my name's Georj, and I need to find Rachel Dare." I uneasily replied.

"Oh." She said, smiling a little. "I'm Piper. You're that Apollo girl from the campfire, right?"

I crossed my arms. "I'm not asking questions to be laughed at. Just answer me, please."

Piper's eyes widened. "Oh, no! Believe me, I'm not making fun of you. I've been humiliated in front of the entire camp at a campfire before." She scowled, like the memory was painful. "Here, I'll take you to Rachel."

I uncrossed my arms and followed her, smiling ever so slightly.

We walked through the forest for a minute or two, finally arriving at a clearing in the woods. Two torches hung on a stone wall, on either side of a heavy purple curtain.

"Here ya go." Piper said. "This is Rachel's hangout."

"Rachel is a cavewoman?" I asked. "Okay..."

"No, not like that." She smirked. "Just go on in, she'll probably be ready for you."

"Alright. Thanks, Piper." I said.

"No prob."

The inside of the cave was even cooler than the outside. WAY cooler. I stood paralyzed inside the entrance, staring at the interior. It seemed bigger on the inside [A/N: If you caught that reference, you are awesome]. A rainbow dance mat dominated the floor, a queen sized bed was shoved into a niche, and a hot tub reclined in the back.

All I could say was: "Whoa."

A girl, who I guessed was Rachel, popped her head out behind a corner. She had frizzy red hair and neon green eyes, wearing a tied up orange T-shirt and paint splattered jeans. "Hello?"

"Hi, um, you must be Rachel, right? I'm Georj."

"Oh, hey!" She said, walking over. "Whatcha need?"

"I was offered a quest yesterday." I explained, fidgeting with my dagger belt. "Chiron said that you would be the one to give me a prophecy for it."

She nodded. "Let's see.."

Suddenly, her knees buckled. She fell forward, and I reached up to catch her. What was going on? Was she having some sort of heart attack?

Then, Rachel straightened. Green mist poured from her eyes and mouth. She began to recite words:

"Three heroes will travel west,

seeking aid with the hunter's best.

They will venture into the shadowy realm,

and deep into secrets the heroes will delve."

I didn't even have time to ask Rachel what was going on before she collapsed, as I was left alone in her cave.

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