Chapter 1 ~

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"Will you be my best friend forever Marcus?" I cried as the tears ran down my face. "Jaime, why wouldn't I be?" He looked up from my grazed knee in 'concern. "Because I'm a baby, all you doing is putting a plaster on me.." I whined. "Your not a baby! You fell off your bike, at least you didn't fall out a treehouse!" He pulled up his sleeve to show the huge scar on his elbow. "And besides, everyone feels pain sometime in there life." I smiled weakly, and wiped the tears off my face. Marcus grabbed my grubby and grazed hand and helped me get to my feet, as we climbed onto our bikes and peddled along Horwich Lane.


"So.." I said weakly. "You don't have to go for 2 years Jaime.." Marcus complained, staring at the ground. "But I do Marcus, I really don't want to go for so long, but I have to! And besides, I'll be back before you know it!" I cheered. My parents lived in the big Apple, and not seeing them for 10 years had really affected me. But leaving Marcus would too. My best friend.  My enthusiasm didn't cheer Marcus up at all. "Please come see me as soon as your home okay? Ring me!" Marcus nearly shouted. "We've still got to wait 2 years Marcus.." I explained. "I know, I know." Me and Marcus had been best friends for ages, he was there for me when others weren't, when the popular girls bullied me about my hair, or when the doctor gave me my tetanus jab when I stood on the rusty nail. Marcus was there through thick and thin no matter what.

"Flight 103 to New York preparing to take off." A loud voice echoed through the airport. "I love you Jaime..." Marcus mumbled under his breath. "Hmm?" "Oh, nothing. Im gonna miss you..." He stammered. "Same, I better run, see you soon!!!" I planted a soft kiss on his cheek and I ran down to my gate. Wait? Did he say I love you? Oh my god... He.. He loves me. I just broke his heart.. I woke up from my daydream, and ran onto the plane, still thinking about what Marcus had said.

Marcus POV

"She's gone.." I said to my self. I ruined it. I told her I loved her. Now she's gone it's gonna stick in my head.... I turned around and headed for the exit. "That's it... For two years" I thought. "Two years without the love of my life." I'd always known that Jaime was the one, and being without her really started to hurt.

So yeah guys that's it for now,

Favourite and comment for an update :) ooh and follows would be good, for more storys :)

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