More Than This; Harry Styles Fanfic

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 This is my first 1D fanfic, i got inspired to write one so i hope you enjoy it!! idk how long I will be writing this but I know I have idea's for it :) and on the right is a picture of Aria :)

"But I don't want to meet anyone" Arian whined as i dragged her to my flat to meet my best friend, i couldn't help but to laugh as i stopped walking pulling her close to me staring her straight in the eyes a moment they were a pretty green color mixed with a little blue in them.

"Aria it won't be all that bad you'll thank me later"

"But Louis" She whined pulling the pout look on me we were now standing in front of my flat, I slowly unlocked the doors as i noticed panck over come her i laughed again as i fully opened the door bringing her inside with me putting the keys down on the table noticing Harry standing there wtih his eye brow raised only in his boxers i could hear a groan from Aria as she glared at me.

"Hello mate, and who may this lovely lady be?" I looked at Aria who was giving me this "You owe me" look i just laughed it off.

"Ello Harry, this is my friend Aria, Aria this is Harry one of my best friends who is also a member of my new band" Aria stood there as if she was at aww he laughed moving aside with a warm smile.

"Aren't you coming inside? it's a bit cold out don't you think?" Aria stood there motionless but adjusted and came inside after feeling a gush of wind remembering how cold it was here in London.

           I felt a pair of lips agaisnt my bare skin making me come back to reality, i giggled softly turning around facing the person laying beside me, it's been a year since Louis had dragged me to meet Harry Styles.

"Morning love" His lips gently brushed against my own, i herd a knock at his front door my hair was a mess, i had clothes on from yesterday when i had come over but his lips caught me off guard once more after hovering over me his warmth aganist my cold body it felt nice, his green eyes stared into my very own pair of green ones as the person knocked again making Harry grown, he stood on his feet making me whimper from the cold as i snuggled deeper under the covers hearing A soft laugh from Harry as he pulled on his boxers.

"I'll be back love" He left the door slightly opened and I could hear Louis which only made my eyes widen I scrambled to my feet slipping on my jeans and sweatshirt, then my converse shoes [polyvore] biting my lower lip i ran my fingers slightly through my hair slowly walking down the hall to feel four eyes on me, i smiled nervously.

"Aria?!" Louis shricked.

"Hey Louis" I yawned as i felt a arm snake around my waist slowly.

"When were you two planning on telling us?" Louis asked as Harry used his free hand running it through his messy head of curles.

"Not like this mate" He pulled me onto the couch as i snuggled into him.

"How long?" He asked sipping his coffee from starbucks, Harry smiled warmly.

"Three months" Louis nearly choked on the coffee.

"Three bloody months?! you tell us this now when we're about to-" He was cut off by Harry giving him a look, I sit up straight staring at him.

"About to what?" I asked, i could hear Harry sigh heavily.

"About-" He swallowed, "To leave for tour" he whispered surprised i could hear him from how he had said it.

"O- Oh" I held back the tears as it was silent in the room, my Harry leaving me for God knows how long, he wouldn't need me anymore he could findsomeone else prettier than me.

"Aria, please say something love" he whispered softly to me.

"W- when do you leave?" I wouldn't look at Harry.

"Two days" Louis tugged on the collar of his shirt as he answered the question for Harry.

"I- I have to go" I choked out rushing out of the before the tears poured down my face holding in the sobs once i aws safely in the car i shut the door letting out the sobs as my tears poured down my face, i could hear a tap on the window and as my tear stained face looked up my eyes met Harry's sad ones, I slowly unlock the door feeling him get inside pulling me over wrapping me up in his arms.

"Shh it's okay love" he whispered rubbing my back soothingly as he hummed "What makes you beautiful" to me.

"Come back inside" He pleaded, I gave in he quickly got out and rushed over to my side pulling me close to him holding me in his arms as he carried mei nside the flat.

And there you go! the first part to my 1D fanfic, whatya think?

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