Chapter 02

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2 days had come and gone i had to watch my best friend and my boyfriend get on the plane and leave me for three long months, i shut everyone out staying in my room most of the day unless i was hungry or had to use the bathroom, but i was finally going to get up after seeing Harry was never going to call me, i turned on the shower stripping out of my Pajamas [polyvore]  and stepped inside letting the warm water hit my back as tears streamed down my face finally letting it out, i only hoped Harry knew who he was hurting back at home but i also knew that he could care less, stepping out i dried off slipping on some sweats and one of Harry's hoodie's [polyvore]  lifting the hoodie up to my nose i sniffed in his scent i held in the tears turning the TV on noticing the guys were on there making me smile weakly seeing Harry there.

"We are here with one direction this lovely morning, how are you guys today?"

" Good" The guy's answered together smiling.

"Alright, first question people have been dying to know, do any of you have girlfriends back at home?"

I stared at the T.V watching the screen my eyes never leaving Harry waiting for him to reply to the answer.

"yes" They said the fans already expected that but with Harry being quiet the fans eyes were on him waiting for him to answer

"Yes" he smiled, i smiled weakly.

"It must be tough for her, with you gone for so long, but she's A lucky girl I'm sure alot of fans can agree on that"

"It's tough, I don't see her as much, call her as often" I laughed bitterly turning the t.v. off throwing the remote down on the bed standing up.

"Or at all" i mumbled to myself running my figners through my brown hair as a picture of Harry and i caught my eye it was the night he took me to the park, Louis had took the picture of us as he stood behind me with his arms around my waist holding me close as we smiled staring into each others eyes, my phone had vibrated in my pocket seeing Louis's name across it i slowly put it to my ear.

"Hey love, did you see the interview?"

"Some of it, i turned it off though" i walked out of the flat down the street to starbucks.

"Listen we're sorry for not calling it's just been really busy, Harry misses you it's all he talks about" I couldn't help but to smile.

"When are you guy's coming home?" i choked out

"A week, listen i have to go love you Aria" Louis said before the line went dead, i sighed entering the coffee shop ordering my usual French Vanilla Capp, the girl at the counter eyed me a moment before handing me my coffee, i exchanged the cup with the money.

"Aren't you Harry Styles's girlfriend? I seen you on the interview, they had a picture up of the two of you" she said making more coffee for the other customers, i smiled.

"That would be me."

"Your so lucky, how did you two meet?"

I couldn't help but to smile, "Louis" I answered sitting at the booth letting the warm liquid run down my throat.

"I can imagine how hard it is for you right now with him gone for so long" she said.

"It is" i whispered "I have to go thanks for the coffee" I told her rushing out as the cold wind made me shiver as i walked out meeting it when it hit my face as i walked across the street and back at the flat, i stepped inside nearly dropping my key my eyes widened at the figure in front of me.

"M- mom?" i choked out

"No phone calls?" She spat standing up, i didn't know what to say or do I was scared.

"W- how did you get in here?" I asked my voice shook as i backed against the wall.

"Credit cards work so well now days dear, you move out come to London and move in with A boy?" I gulped.

"I- i yes and i love him" my mother laughed harshly standing up now hovering me i could smell the alcohol as she spoke.

"You don't know what love is!" She hissed as her hand met my face and as she removed it i could feel it stinging where she had slapped me i let the tears fall for the 2nd time that day, as she left i slid down the wall letting soft sobs escape my lips, as i calmed down i took out my phone shakily dialing Louis's number putting it to my ear.

"L- Louis" My voice shook.

"Aria what's wrong?"

"Is that Aria? what's going on?" I could Harry's voice in the background.

"Louis, m- my mom she was here"

"is she still there?  Are you okay?" He asked worry filled his voice as he spoke.

"she left" i choked out , "She - she slapped me." I said quietly.

"Listen to me Aria, stay there lock the doors, we're catching the next flight" he said quickly, i could hear them moving in the other end as the wind blew through the speakers at where he was at.

"BLOODY HELL! WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Harry shouted making me flinch.

"Aria, I'll call you when we get to the airport" He said calmly, i choked on my tears.

"O- okay" the line went dead, i pulled my legs to my chest putting my  head on my lap and began to sob.

ooooo poor Aria!! I had to add some drama, what's going to happen with Aria and her mom?! And sorry for the shortness in the chapter's they'll get longer :)

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