Chapter 4 - Gryffindor

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The Hogwarts Houses

- Dean Winchester
- John Watson
- Michael Shurley
- Mick Davies
(- Greg Lestrade)


Professor Holmes got up one last time while Professor Hudson put away the stool and Sorting Hat again.

"Good," he started. "Now that that is all (sorted out) settled, I would like to make one last announcement for our home students. As you may have already noticed, two of our teachers have joined the group that has been elected to attend Ilvermorny. They will be replaced by the American teachers Professor Robert Singer, who will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Professor Metatron Shurley, who will not only take over the Astronomy classes but also the function of the Head of Ravenclaw. And then I will now leave you to enjoy your meals."

"Finally," Dean muttered before attacking the food.

The boy next to him, a small Hogwarts student with dirty blond hair, snickered at that.

When Dean gave him a defiant look in return, the kid put up his hands in defense. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend you or something."

"Oh no, it's okay," Dean was quick to say, realizing how he'd probably just come across. "It's fine, really. I just get a little cranky when I'm hungry," he grinned.

The other boy laughed and nodded. "Good to know." He held out his hand. "I'm John. John Watson."

"Dean Winchester," Dean replied and shook John's hand. "Funny, my dad's a John."

"Oh really?" John asked in surprise. "Well, I guess it's quite the common name."

"You don't happen to know any Mary's?" Dean joked and when John looked at him questioningly, he added, "My mom's name."

The English kid laughed and shook his head. "No, sorry. Never met a Mary in my life." (I just watched Sherlock S4E1 and now this hurts)

Dean nodded, his thoughts now wandering through the memories of his mother. It was moments like these, all alone in a new House without anyone he knew, that he missed her the most. Not that he'd ever let it show.

"So Dean, what year are you in?" John asked.

"Sixth," he answered. "You?"

"Seventh. But Mick here is in sixth too." He patted the shoulder of the dark-haired boy on his other side, who looked up in surprise.

"Sorry, what?" he asked.

"Mick, this is Dean. Dean, this is Mick Davies," John introduced the two.

Mick greeted him quickly before his gaze wandered towards the boy across from Dean. The American kid with his neat, black hair had mostly just been eating in silence but occasionally looked up at their conversation.

Once he noticed Mick watching him, the English boy dared to ask, "Excuse me? I don't want to intrude but weren't you one of the Shurleys?"

Michael's eyebrows shot up in surprise for a moment before he smiled and extended his hand. "Yeah. Michael Shurley, nice to meet you."

"Mick Davies. This is John and... well, you probably know Dean, I guess."

"Actually we've never really met," Dean said. Not that it really mattered. Everyone at Ilvermorny knew who Michael was.

Michael shrugged in response. "Different years, different Houses. But I've heard of you of course." He grinned. "Dean has quite the reputation."

Dean laughed at that. If one of them had a reputation, it sure as hell wasn't him.

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