You don't need to thank me

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Another two weeks had passed, news on the All Might situation had been nearly non-existant, during this period of time Deku had become increasingly worried and anxious, every day he looked down, he hardly smiled anymore, his voice was flat and his skin was pale, all of class 1A's students tried to help him, to talk to him or cheer him up, but all of their efforts brought no results, the only thing that could bring him the slightest bit of comfort was Ochaco's reassuring smile.
Everyone seemed to have, to some degree, given up on him, except her, every day she tried and tried and tried to help him, she even managed to make him chuckle once, but even she could't save him from that feeling of dread.
Every night Izuku would have nightmares, and sometimes, when it really got bad, even panic attacks, all alone in his room, and even if he himself didn't want to believe it at first, thinking about Ochaco was the thing that helped him get through those moments.

One day, right after school had ended, Deku was asked to stay in class a bit longer by professor Aizawa, he silently obeyed.

Ereaser-Head started to speak with a very serious tone.

"Midorya, as you may know yesterday the team of pro heroes tasked with saving All Might had a meeting"

"Yes" Izuku said, quietly.

"Well, we have devised a rescue plan, and due to your particular "connection" with him, we want you to take part in it"

Deku raised his head immediately after he heard those words.

"I will" He said, this time with a very determined voice.

"We were also thinking about extending this proposal to some of your classmates who stood out during the sports festival, hero licence exam and internship, namely Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Tenya Iida and... Ochacko Uraraka, you seem to work and fight very well alongside all of them, but with her in particular, so we decided to include her as well.
Obvioulsy I will ask them if they are willing to take part in this operation, but I also wanted to hear your opinion since they are your fellow classmates and friends"

Deku thought about the words that Aizawa had just said a lot, remaining in silence for a good minute, he didn't want to put his friends in danger, but he knew that they would not back down and that they wouldn't let him keep them out of this.
Also, they had all obtained their provisional hero licence, so they were deemed perfectly capable of partecipating in this type of missions and were responsible for all their actions as heroes.

"You should ask them, I think they would all be great assets to the team" Deku said.

"Very well then, you will be contacted when we decide when and where to hold the briefing, you can go now"

Deku walked out of the school, at first he was thrilled and excited, he and his friends, they were going to save All Might! They were going to beat the League of Villans' ass!
But with every hour that passed, he grew more and more paranoid, he started thinking about how many things could go wrong, about the worst things that could happen: What if it's a trap? What if All Might isn't there? What if they overwhelm us? What if we... what if I'm not strong enough?

As soon as Izuku managed to fall asleep, he started having nightmares about his friends getting hurt, captured, tortured, beaten to a pulp in front of his eyes as he watches helplessly, until finally he wakes up.
He falls from his bed, breathing frantically and sweating, he feels his head pulsating, his limbs are heavy and numb and his eyes are watery and burn.
The boy tries to get up helping himself with the bedside table, knocking down everything that was on it, he manages to stand on two feet and falter his way to the bigger table in the centre of his room, he feels that breathing is getting harder and harder, grabs his phone, unlocks it and manages to send one message before dropping it because he needed to support himself with both his arms.

"come here"

Uraraka's phone rang and woke her up, she had started to keep on and not muted while she slept because Izuku had been asking her to talk at night pretty often, but never this late at night, and that text didn't seem like him at all.
She made her way downstairs and as she pointed her phone's light on Izuku's door she saw it was slightly opened, she crept inside but saw nobody.
The bathroom door was closed, but light shone through from underneath, Ochaco slowly walked near the door, she could hear the sound of the shower running.

"Deku-kun?" She whispered

There was no answer, but when the young girl decided to put her ear next to the door and heard sobbing, she decided to open it.

Deku was crouched in the corner of the shower, with his clothes still on and ice cold water raining down on him, his head was lowered and he was hugging his knees.
Uraraka froze, this was not the usual situation she'd find Izuku in, sometimes she found him crying, other times he was tucked away in the corner of his room, but never like this, never in this state, she walked up to him and turned off the shower, she sat on the floor beside him and hugged him as tight as possible.
Ochaco started speaking as softly as she could.

"What happened?"

Feeling her warm arms wrap around him, Izuku managed to mutter out something, sobbing loudly every few words.

"I had a dream... E-Everyone died, everyone. I-I-I'm so scared, I don't want anyone go get hurt"

"It's ok, everything is going to be fine, don't worry" Uraraka's voice started to shake a bit, she had never seen Izuku so vulnerable before, and it was making her sad, to know that even his willpower was not infinte, or infinitely strong.

"I-I need someone, I need somebody..." Izuku couldn't go on anymore, and started to cry even more.

Ochaco knew she had to do something, anything, Deku had to recover from this in one way or another, so she decided to go all in, she gathered up all of her courage, held Izuku's face in her hands and kissed him, full force, giving it everything she had.

Izuku's eyes shot open, he felt so warm and safe, as soon as he gained back control of his body he held Ochaco closer to him, now they were both crying.
They parted sowly, both looking down, too embarassed to even think about crossing the other one's gaze.

After a while Uraraka nuzzled against Deku's neck.

"I'll stand with you, no matter what"

"Than..." Deku was interrupted by Uraraka kissing him once more.

"You don't need to thank me" She said softly.

Izuku chuckled, before sighing.

"I love you Ochaco"

"I love you too"

Author's message

Ok so school has been really amplifying my desire to die, so it took me a lot of time to write this, the next chapters will be more action focused, so expect an update every week or two, I would really like to update more often but now I can't, maybe when things at school
calm down a little I'll try getting some big chunks done and out. I really hope you like this chapter, I decided to make them a couple now instead of waiting till the end because now the stakes are higher for the showdown with AFO.
Let me know your thoughts by commenting in you want!
Until next time!

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