Go Beyond

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Izuku walked alone down a narrow country road, in the dark, starless night, he was offered a transport to the place of the duel, but he refused, he decided to go there on foot, he himself didn't even know why he decided that, but it just felt right.

He climbed a small hill with a tree on top of it, he sat and laid his back against the trunk, he could see the abandoned factories in the distance, he would have to walk another 5, maybe 10 minutes to get there, so he decided to rest.

As per usual, Deku got lost in his own thoughts, his mind was a mess, full of bad memories, sadness, worry, hate and rage. He didn't feel ready, but he knew he had to be, to end All for One's terror once and for all.

It was now late morning, Deku stood up, and before going, he said something to himself.

"I'll do it, for everybody... and if I don't make it... at least I'll be with you, mom..."

As he was about to take his first step, a loud male voice... "exploded" behind him.

"Way to jump into the fight of a lifetime, Emo-Deku!"

Deku turned around, and saw his classmates there, smiling at him, with Bakugo in front of all of them.
He responded, astonished.

"K-Kacchan, guys... how did you..."

Bakugo interrupted him

"Did you really think that, even if we can't help, we would just let you go save the world without saying anything first?"

Deku's face lit up, he felt all of his friends' strenght come to him, he didn't say anything, he just looked at Kacchan straight in the eyes, and smirked.

Just as he started turning away, he heard another voice, a voice that he loved hearing so, so much, and that made his heart... "float" a little.

"Izuku, wait!"

Deku felt her grabbing his arm, and turned back, all of the other classmates were shocked by hearing Uraraka call Deku by name, and with no honorifics.

She looked into his big green eyes.

"For luck"

And kissed him right in front of everyone, they were all petrified, and when she had finished and had let Izuku go, only Bakugo had the guts to say something.

"W-w-well if you have... this... too, you'd better not die, ok? I'll... I'll kick your ass if you do!"

Deku chuckled at his nonsensical statement, and began walking away.

"I won't"

All For One was standing in the middle of the buildings' ruins, with a few news helicopters hovering over, just as he saw Izuku approaching, he pointed at him let out one last, menacing statement.

"I admire your courage, chosen one, now... let's see how much time it will take for me to END YOU."

He launched himself at Deku, who quickly activated full cowl and doged, then All For One started attacking quicker, quicker and quicker, and Deku doged faster, faster and faster, until he thought he found an opening.
He hit All For One straight in the jaw, sending him crashing into a concrete wall, he stepped back, and powered up full cowl to 1000000%, then he started barraging his foe with thousands of supersonic jabs and kicks, the fight went on and on, and it seemed like a stalemate, but after hours of back amd forth, Deku started to give out.
As he slowed down, All For One grabbed one of his arms, making him stop.

"Nice try, kid, but you've done this before... to be honest... I expected a little bit more..."

He picked up Deku and drove him straight into the ground, then kicked him away.

Izuku thought he had died, everything was black, he couldn't feel any of his body, but somehow he had survived, if only barely.
His mind started filling up with what seemed like hallunications, visions of his journey at UA, his friends, Ochaco, their first kiss, All Might training him at the beach, his mother holding him crying when he was little, him holding her while she died in his arms.
Then the voices of all of them, he could recognize every single one.

"Hold on"

"Be strong"

"We are all with you"

"Give it your all"

"Go beyond"

He felt the power of every One For All user rush into his body, all of his predecessors were there, behind him, ready to launch one final attack.

"Plus ultra"

Deku's eyes shot open, now completely white like floodlights, his body emanating green energy around him, he stood up, and looked at All For One for a split second, before rushing up to him and backfilp-kicking him straight in the chin, sending him flying vertically into the air, Deku charged up a jump to follow him, as he was going up, he started spinning on himself, building up energy like a tornado.

This is for all of them.

This... is for peace.


Deku's spinning kick connected perfectly with All For One's torso, sending out a shockwave in the air, after the villan hit the ground violently creating a crater, another shockwave was created, and finally, Deku came down on him like a meteorite, giving the fatal blow, and making another, deeper crater inside of the one that he had landed in.

A huge crowd gathered around the site in no time, the news was there, Deku's friends were there, just waiting to see someone emerge from the thick dust that was still in the air.
A black figure started to become more and more visible, some of the people in the crowd spoke up.

"I see someone!"

"Is that him? Is that Deku?"

Indeed, Deku came out of the cloud of dust, exhausted and about to collapse to the ground, his costume was torn to shreds, his right arm and leg were very badly wounded, and the whole right side of his body was covered in blood.
Nobody thought he would actually kill All For One, even if it was a "duel to the death", but Izuku didn't care, he couldn't control himself, and just for once, he had let the irrational and immature side of him take over, all of he thought now was that everyone that was killed by that monster could be at peace, that he had avenged All Might and his mom, that the whole world could sleep easy knowing that that day, the symbol of peace had risen once more.

That day

a hero was born.

Author's message

Well, here we are, at the end of this wild ride!
There will be an epilogue, so stay tuned for that, but the main story ends here, and I really, really really really hope you liked it, and that I was able to make you feel the things I intended to while writing this.
Feel free to tell me what you thought of the whole thing, every comment makes me so happy and eager to write more.
After the epilogue I'll put out another chapter with the title of the next fanfic I'll write, I'm not sure on what to write it yet so if someone wants to suggest an anime or a ship or something that happens to give me inspiration, that would be great too.
Welp, see you in the next one, cheers.

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