Yua on ice

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Yua's pov

I was out doing some Christmas shopping, I had bought a few presents for some of my friends but I still had lots to buy. I was walking down the street when I saw a familiar face.

"Lyon! Hey how are you?" I said as i approached him.

"I'm great, I haven't seen you since the Christmas party. What have you been up to?" Lyon asked.

"Not much, Christmas shopping, singing Christmas songs, the usual. What about you?" I asked.

"I've not really been up to anything, Sherry's visiting her family, so is Yuka and Tobi and Jura's been out on a job, so I've had nothing to do." Lyon replied.

"How are your bruises from the Christmas party?" I asked.

"They're almost completely healed, no thanks to Natsu and Gray." Lyon replied.

"I'm sorry about them, Natsu always picks a fight every year but I didn't expect both of them to just attack you." I apologized.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault. That was actually the most exciting thing that's happened to me this month." Lyon said.

"Well I guess we've both had nothing much to do." I said.

"Well since we haven't been up to much so far, why don't we go on date later today?" Lyon said.

"L-Like a date date?" I asked.

"Not if you don't want it to be! We can just go as friends." Lyon answered quite quickly.

"I'd like it to stay a date, what do you wanna do?" I asked blushing.

"Why don't we go ice skating?" Lyon asked.

"Sure! Sounds like fun." I replied.

"Great, I'll pick you up later, about three o'clock. I'll see you soon my snow princes." Lyon said.

"I'll see you later Lyon." I said and with that we went our separate ways.

Time skip brought to you by Pebachoo's Lyoa obsession

After I had gotten home I ran upstairs, straight passed Wendy and into my room to get dressed. I had started going through my wardrobe when Wendy appeared at the door.

"Hey big sis, what's got you so excited?" Wendy asked.

"Lyon asked me on a date." I replied.

"*squeal* Tell me everything!" Wendy exclaimed as she jumped onto my bed to listen to what I had to say.

I sat down on my bed beside her before I began to explain.

"While I was out shopping earlier I ran into Lyon and we caught up a little bit since we hadn't seen each other since he kissed me at the Christmas party and then got beat up by Natsu and Gray. As we were talking we had both mentioned how we hadn't really done much so Lyon suggested that we make December a bit more exciting and go on a date!" I explained.

"Where!? When!? And what are you gonna wear!?!" Wendy asked excited, you see ever since we met Lyon Wendy had wanted us to get together, saying that we'd be a cute couple so this is like a dream come true for her and honestly I was quite excited too, this would be my first date and Lyon was the first guy I had actually liked so this excited both of us.

"We're going ice skating, it's at three o'clock and I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna wear!" I replied.

"*squeal*" We both Squealed before going it my wardrobe and pulling out clothes I could possibly wear.

In the end we chose a black pencil skirt, black tights, a yellow turtle neck long sleeved top and some black heels. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and tied a yellow ribbon into it, the whole time I was getting ready Wendy and I were talking about the date and how excited we were and before we even knew it the doorbell rang. Wendy ran down to answer the door, skidding on her socks over the wood flooring.

"*squeal* Come in, big sis is just finishing getting ready." Wendy said as I walked downstairs.

"I swear Wendy you run way to fast." I said.

"But big sis! He's here." Wendy said.

"Hey beautiful." Lyon said from behind Wendy.

"*squeal* have fun you two." Wendy said before running back upstairs.

"I swear that girl's gonna be the death of me." I said.

"She seems pretty excited." Lyon commented.

"For her this is plan, get big sister a boyfriend, she's been trying ever since she joined the guild to set me up with someone." I explained as I put on my white coat, gloves, hat and scarf.

"We'll I'm glad she approves, now shall we go?" Lyon asked offering me his arm.

"We shall." I said as I took his arm and we left the house together.

Time skip brought to you by Wendy trying to get Lyon and Yua together ❤

We arrived at the ice rink and Lyon layer for our skates, as we got onto the ice I couched the wall at the side.

"Why are you holding the wall?" Lyon asked.

"I've never ice skated before." I replied.

"Then hold onto me instead, I'll teach you." Lyon said as he held his hands out to me.

"Okay." I said as I grabbed his hands instead and he began skating back wards pulling me with him.

I almost fell a few times but Lyon always caught me and was really patient with me as I flopped around the ice like a fish on land. After a while I finally got the hang of it but Lyon didn't let go of my hand as we skated around with Lyon leading, occasionally spinning in circles.

"You're really good at this Lyon." I complimented.

"Thanks, I'm an ice wizard so it kinda comes naturally to me, although I thought you would have been better at this being a snow mage and all." Lyon said.

"Hey! I tried alright, and I can skate now can't I." I said.

"*laughs* It took a while." Lyon commented.

"Oh shut up." I said with a pout.

"I'm sorry, you just look really cute when you're angry." Lyon said causing me th blush.

"You also look extremely cute when you blush, so much so that I can't help but do this." Lyon said as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I kissed back and we just stayed like that even after we pulled apart, just holding each other with our foreheads pressed together.

Time skip brought to you by Lyoa fangirls squealing their heads off

After that we went out for dinner before Lyon walked me home. The minute I walked through the front door it was a police investigation, because Wendy wanted all the juicy details. I'm pretty sure our neighbours called the police because they thought we were being murdered because of all the squealing.

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