Chapter 1: A Night Gone Wrong

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 The night was silent; Gentle chirps of crickets being the only sound to be heard throughout the neighborhood. The Moon placed high in the sky, proudly situated for all to witness;The clouds were elegantly moving across the sky, occasionally robbing the moon of its luminous shine.

The only people being out this late at night were those who were just finishing up their stops for trick-or-treating. Anyone else out this late would probably be teens coming from parties or maybe just those rebelling against their parents.

The only ones to be seen on the streets as of now was a couple hand-in-hand walking down a secluded sidewalk alongside a forest; This forest was said to give off an eerily soft hum that slowly makes people go insane and drives them to either commiting suicide or homicide. Regardless of what the murmur has the person do, they always end up going back into the forest-- never to be seen again.

Though the rumor stopped going around after it was proved wrong, or so it was said to be proved wrong. Now a days it's just an old tale told to spice up a camping trip or scare kids into listening to their parents.

"Did you enjoy the party?" the guy spoke, voice cutting through the stillness of the night like a butcher knife cutting into a pound of meat.

"That party was like the lamest thing I could have ever wasted my time on. Like it wasn't even scary, everyone's costume literally looked like they could've been a kindergarteners first art project." the girl commented practically walking on auto drive as her eyes stayed glued to the screen of her phone. "Like why would you even ask me to go there with you? You already knew that like half of the kids in that house are jealous that I won homecoming queen last year" she stated in a snobby, high pitched voice.

With a roll of his eyes, he playfully wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulders

"Ahh, come on babe it wasn't that bad-- at least the music was okay-ish." he soothed with a chuckle causing the girl to just huff in annoyance.

They continued walking, being blissfully unaware of the hidden danger within the forest.

"Cheer up! We still get to party all night..." he suggestively said with a smirk edging closer to the girl's ear.

 However, before the girl could reply she was interrupted, although it was very quiet, the soft whisper still cut through the air like a bullet penetrating a wall. Looking towards the forest she froze.

"What's wrong?" the guy asked with his arms wrapped protectively around his girlfriend, looking from her to their surroundings.

"Did you not hear that..?" she questioned still looking towards the forest. Her boyfriend looked at her worriedly

"Are you sure you're okay?" he said grasping onto her shoulders gently as the both of them now stopping in the middle of the walkway.

" I'm fine! I just thought I-..." she went silent again as the soft whisper turned into a more prominent hum of a voice. Now frozen in place the girl started to violently shake in fear. Desperately trying to tug out of her boyfriends grasps, she started hyperventilating.

"Babe." he started as he attempted to get his girlfriend's attention, "CLARICE, Snap out of it!" he yelled out more urgently.

"NO! HE'S GONNA GET ME!" she shriek deliriously, "LET.ME.GO!" she asserted as she finally broke free of her boyfriend's arms and started to immediately sprint in the direction of her house, where she thought she'd be safe.

"Clarice, NO! Wait!" he said running after her, only to realize he was too far behind to keep up with her; But that didn't stop him from still trying to keep her in his line of sight.

As the girl, now dubbed as clarice, rushed across the street in the direction of which she hoped was her home; she didn't notice the oncoming headlights heading directly for her.

The screech of tires and the sound of something hard hitting metal bore through the night.

Pausing in his stead, a horrified looked crossed his worn out face as he pushed himself to run faster towards the direction of his girlfriend went. 

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