Grown apart, Loved another, and the truth falls

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Lila's POV

It hurts so much. Watching Lance and Keith flirt back and forth hug but that's the most I've seen, but it is my fault I stopped talking to him, I just cut him off out of fear. I started to barely show a few weeks ago it's not very visible still but if I wore tight shirts it was noticeable, anyway putting that aside I have been back for at least a month at this point I've lost count of how many times I've just broken down to pidge and Shiro about Keith I still loved him but today was what did it for me, I walked into the lounge to see the two making out on the couch Pidge walked in after me as I covered my mouth in shock and the tears just fell I could see pidges anger buring "KEITH! LANCE JUST STOP!" Her voice was angered and infuriated they looked over in time for my tear-streaked face "You know what I don't care anymore! I give up. LET HIM KNOW it NOT LIKE IT WILL CHANGE ANYTHING!" Shiro and Allura came into the room and saw the situation as i pushed my way through the last thing i heard was words from Keith "What's wrong with you pidge" The voice was angry as I ran ended up in my room locked everyone out and laid in my bed and what felt like crying out my soul

Pidges POV

I was beyond Angry "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!" I yelled in return "YOU ARE SO BLIND! She did it to protect you, Keith! She cut you off so you could be happy but you rubbed it her face with this its the last straw Keith!" hunk walked in taking a place next to the other two confused boys I could feel Allura's rage coming off in waves as Shiro tried to calm us "What are you guys hiding!" Lance piped in clearly annoyed that they were interrupted "LILA LOVES YOU KEITH AND YOU TO BLIND TO SEE IT, MEANWHILE, YOU RUN AROUND WITH LANCE YOUR SLOWLY BREAKING HER! SHE'S CARRYING YOUR SON KEITH I HOPE YOUR PROUD OF YOURSELF!" I then ran after Lila and knocked on her door "Lila let me in"I heard shuffling "What's the password?" lately Lila gave out password unique to each person to allow access into her room "Pidgeon love" the door opened and she pulled me in the door slid shut and she locked it again I looked at her bed Violet was on the bed she too seemed a little sad "Did you tell him Pidge" i nodded sadly "It's alright, its not gonna change anything, I don't deserve him anyways." These words ruffled my feathers "No Lila it's the other way around he doesn't deserve you! you wanted to protect him and he didn't even try to talk to you again" I let my hand lay on her shoulder before she hugged me and nuzzled into my shoulder she was only an inch or two taller than again she missed a year-year and a half of growing

3rd POV (Lounge)

Those words were like a slap to the face in some way to  Lance and a punch in the gut to Keith Shiro shook his head and forcefully removed Allura from the lounge and into the control room "What have I done" Keith allowed his emotions to shine through "C'mon Keith don't let it bring you down, you don't have to love her but you can still be a dad" Lance tried to pull Keiths face back to his own "Lance stop!" Keith tried to pull away but had struggles "Hunk help!" hunk came to Keith's aid leaving Lance on the couch looking super mad he stood and growled at hunk "Give me Keith." hunk refused lance then headed out in a fury "Hunk I've messed up horribly" Keiths voice was soft almost unhearable "Indeed you have. and you may have lost her Keith." Hunk responded, "We'll talk with her tomorrow let her calm down for now." Both hunk and Keith retreated to the kitchen where Hunk helped Keith cook something in apology

"Do you think this will work?" Keith spoke suddenly

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