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Jake POV:my name is Jake Paul and I am 14 years old I have 2 siblings name Logan Paul and Sunny Paul Logan is 16 years old and Sunny is 3 years old and I have a Beautiful Girlfriend her name is Erika Costell we been dating since we were 10 years old and we are going to High school and we never told our parents because they hate each other and my family is rich and I sneak at night to Erika house and we been happy then ever and I will never brake her heart because I love her and my dad left when sunny was born
Erika POV:My name Is Erika MichaelAnna Costell and I am 14 years old and I have 3 siblings older brother name JC little sister name Morgan and little sister name Dani Jc is 16 years old Morgan is 10 and Dani 3 years old and I have a handsome boyfriend name Jake Paul we been dating since we were 10 years old and never told ur parents because they hate each other but I love my Jakey and sometimes we sneak to each other house and do stuff and I my family is good but my dad hates jake but i love him I don't care what my parents said If I can't date him will do it because I love him

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