Mihoko x Gundham (Fluff)

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With a sedate pace, and a deliberately casual stroll, one of the most popular students in Hope's Peak strolled through the hallways, humming a cheerful tune to himself. For such a large school, there weren't that many students, with merely 16 per class. He was known as the Super-High-School-Level Oil Painter at Hope's Peak Academy.
Oh, and the popularity thing, he was more...well-known, and disliked by most. Though, he never seemed to mind. Shoving his hands into the pockets of the long jacket he wore over his uniform, he gazed at all his peers faces, and found one person. The person he had been looking for.
"Hey, Gundham!"
He exclaimed, and waved at the much, much taller male. The Super-High-School-Level Breeder turned around, recoiling at the sudden exclamation of his name. Mihoko, who was very quick on his feet, was already directly in front of Gundham. Not way to close, but close nonetheless. Gundham glared down at him, and put on his over-the-top personaloty.
"What is it, mortal? Have you come to try and steal Cham-P again? I'll have you know, he will destroy you this time...!" Gundham glared down at Mihoko, who laughed, his slightly raspy voice full of amusement.
"I wasn't STEALING him, I just wanted to pet him, and you wouldn't let me!" Mihoko pouted teasingly, recalling the event from the previous day.
Tuesday. He had been pestering people as usual, and decided to go bug Gundham. Though, he really did want to pet Cham-P, that big orange ball of fluff!
"You're quite brave, human, so carelessly grabbing the Invading Black Dragon, Cham-P! Only the most foolish mortals would lay a finger on him..." Gundham huffed, talking louder then needed. Not that Mihoko minded, it was amusing after all. He stared at Cham-P, who was resting on Gundham's scarf.
"Hmm... Hey, Gun-Tan, can I pet him?" Mihoko asked, giving him a nickname to get on Gundham's nerves, and he was successful. Gundham stepped back, and glared at Mihoko, though he was blushing.
"G-Gun-tan?! That is— You fool! Speaking to the Overlord of Ice in such a negligent way! I should have finished you off when you tried to steal Cham-P!" He fumed. Mihoko was grinning as per usual, and rolled his faded pink eyes. He then took two steps closer to Gundham. Gundham had took two steps back. Mihoko giggled quietly, and walked closer to him until Gundham was against the wall. He then stood close to Gundham.
"Hey now, why's an overlord trying to run away?" He asked, his voice smooth and seductive. It was no wonder people found his voice charming, and he was quite attractive himself, aside from his burn and bruise on his face. Gundham was shocked, and in a vulnerable state, so Mihoko took the opportunity he was hoping for, and grabbed Gundham's hand. He smiled up at Gundham, who flinched, freezing.
"Gun— umm... are you okay?" Mihoko let go of Gundham's hand when he saw the startled expression on the Breeder's face. Mihoko stepped back, and Gundham calmed down, unfreezing. Mihoko stared at him, an innocent expression on the not-so innocent male's face.
"You— You fool! The poison the courses through my blood will kill you soon!"
Gundham exclaimed, annoyed, but there was a hint of worry in his voice.
"Hmmm?~ Well, it was worth it, since I got to hold your hand! Oh, by the way, I want you at my funeral! Make the funeral song...umm... Despacito!"
Mihoko was clearly not taking Gundham seriously, which pissed the breeder off. He took a step towards Mihoko in a threatening way, to Mihoko's surprise. Mihoko was well-aware he was physically weak, and could easily be harmed by Gundham. Though it seemed out of character for Gundham to hurt someone, but Mihoko had a feeling if you messed with him and his animals to much he would do something...
Mihoko stepped back, staring up at Gundham as a bead of sweat rolled down his face.
"U-Umm... Gun-Tan...?" He asked shakily, using the nickname he had thought about for a while subconsciously. To his surprise, Gundham, instead of yelling at him or harming him, grabbed both of his hands and closed his eyes. The tall male had a faint blush on his face as he spoke.
"I do not wish to cause problems here, so I will cure you of the poison. But only just this once. Next time, you will surely perish!"
Gundham exclaimed. Mihoko felt relieved, and a grin pulled onto his face. Gundham muttered some words Mihoko couldn't make out, but not like it mattered. He looked down at his and Gundham's hands, and his smile widened a bit. But the smile soon returned to its standard teasing smirk once Gundham let go.
"Hehehe~ Thanks, Gun-Tan!" Mihoko smiled at Gundham, who crossed his arms and looked away.
"...It's...Whatever. Just don't make the same mistakes again, or else." Gundham's tone had a sharpness to it, that caused Mihoko to feel a bit alarmed, but he knew it was just Gundham's whole overlord act probably.
"...I don't make promises I can't keep!~"
He then trotted away, quick on his feet, and didn't give Gundham a chance to reply. Mihoko then hunted around for a certain someone. Sonia Nevermind. She knew lots about Gundham, them being close friends. He wanted to figure out more ways to tease Gundham.
But instead he ended up running into Hiyoko Saionji.
"Hey, watch it!"
Hiyoko exclaimed angrily as she fell over backwards. Mihoko had also fell backwards.
"...You were the one who was running with your eyes closed Hiyoko. Not my fault."
Mihoko muttered, and stood up. He then saw Mikan run down the halls, and stepped back as she approached Hiyoko.
"H-Hiyoko, i-it's not safe to run with a h-hurt leg!"
She exclaimed, then looked at Mihoko.
"A-Ah! Mihoko! Are you o-okay?"
She asked.
  Mihoko didn't reply. Instead his eyes were a bit wider then normal as he stared at the Ultimate Nurse.
He said quietly, before the turning on his heel and walking away swiftly. Both the girls were confused; he always acted odd around Mikan.

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