Chap 2

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Emily POV

I'm walking back and fourth in my room waiting for that stupid call. A few weeks earlier I had sent in my application video to this prestigious dance school in New York both me and Skylar applied and are waiting to see if we get to audition. I tried to get Katy to do it but she refused she hates judges and fancy schools which sucks because she is such an amazing dancer and so is Skylar I'm okay but I'm still worried. I waited and waited until finally I heard that stupid phone ring I scrambled over to it and Quickly picked it up. "hello" I say all sophisticated "what's with you" I hear my buzz dies when I realize it's Katy. "Nevermind what's up" I ask. "oh well I just got a call from Sky and she said her brothers friend Nash called her saying that his manager wants the three of us to be part of a tour with these MAGCON kids and I was wondering if you knew about this" she says. oh right MAGCON I remember one of the boys commenting on one of my youtube videos about that I loved MAGCON and so did Sky but she wasn't supposed the really talk about them around her brother Connor because it's a bit of a soft spot I mean he doesn't hate MAGCON but he isn't a fan either. "Yeah I was a aware I guess but when?" "well skylar said next week so I guess then" Katy replies. "Oh got to go Dallas is home" she hung up. Dallas was Katy's older brother he was good looking but a little dark and mysterious no one really knew what he was doing most I the time but he brought Katy's family money so they didn't care much about it Dallas most of the time never noticed when I come over he kinda ignores me he has the same ice cold eyes as Katy an the same short fuse if not shorter lets just say the Swanson's are a little stubborn and inconsiderate of others but they grow on you like Jackson he is an eighth grader and he is such a ladies man he has so many girls wanting him he has dark brown shaggy hair tan skin and a super cute smile he is probably the nicest Swanson out of the five yes their are four kids and a dog and a dad so six. Katy can't stand Jackson she thinks he is annoying but I love him. Then there is Sabrina the oldest Swanson. She is an amazing singer and dancer and performer she is basically good at everything except like the rest controlling her fuse and other emotions. Sabrina is like Katy in some ways and totally different on others Sabrina dies her hair blonde and has pink ends she is into fashion so I love talking to her about things like that. Murphy Swanson is the dog a huge mean man eating pit bull on the outside but on the inside Murphy is as sweet as can be unless he is told to attack and then no one can stop him. I love the Swanson's stubborn and all every last one of them they are a bunch who once they like you are amazing friends. then their is my family I have an older sister and a younger sister and a younger brother my family is average until you bring out any type if board game or puzzle then it gets hectic. I love them any way.

Katy Pov

After I called Emily I went on Twitter and searched magcon I got hundreds of accounts I clicked on one @Camerondallasisdabae I scrolled through her tweets and let me just tell you this girl is obsessed with this boy. I have to admit he was pretty cute but he was trying to hard. I didn't like him because it didn't seem like he was doing anything that was worthy of getting what he was getting I mean at least Justin Bieber could sing right. (AN please don't hate on that it's a fanfic there needs to be conflict I like Cameron Dallas and it was hard writing that). After I looked at him I went into Taylor Caniff I got a link to one of his songs and I listened it was pretty good for Magcon boy. I went one after the other scrolling through all their social media accounts I was pretty much acting like a fan girl but I didn't mind.

I was still reading tweets when my idiotic brother came rolling into my room literally on his bike. "Jackson get out you little bastard" I scream he hops off his bike and walks over to me "hey kitty kat what ya up to" he teases I hated that nickname but my dad gave it to me I will never get rid of it. ""what do you want Jackson". "advice" he says. "you want advice from me" I was super confused he never wanted anything from me except maybe money. "yeah so there's this girl......." he trails off "you want dating advice don't you" I never thought Jackson would want a girl friend he is such a player. "hang on" I say grabbing my phone "what are you doing" he asks. "calling sky and Emily over this is out of my league" I call and they say they are I their way a few minutes later they arrive through my window as always. "sup" sky goes straight for Jackson and pulls him in a hug. "I need advice" he repeats. "there is this girl and her name is Hailey and she is the prettiest girl in the eighth grade and I want to date her but I get nervous" he explained yeah this was way out of my league my brother never gets nervous this must be some girl for him to be so worked up. "Omg he is so cute" Emily squeals. Here is what you need to do 1. Become her friend 2. Make her feel special 3. Compliment her 4. Want to be around her 5. Know random little facts about her (not creepy but cute) 6. Listen to her girls love to talk 7. Always say hi and be nice 8. If she hasn't already figured it out tell her you like her 9. Ask her to a movie and upcoming dance etc". This is going to be harder than I thought. He stood there for a second not knowing what to do before he finally said "so then she'll go out with me" . "you are so stupid Jackson" I rolled my eyes at the idiot.


Ayy wass up!

I'm sick today!!

Thanks to Fernanda or Carolyn for making this chapter

We'll now I'm tired I'm gonna sleep

I will try to update soon!

Ok bai


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