Chap 3

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Jackson POV
God I really needs help. Hailey is the prettiest girl in the entire school and I really like her. I knew Katy wasn't going to be much help and I know she would probably hate Hailey but I knew that she would ask for Emily and Skylar to help. "Okay" I say. Emily keeps taking but I'm not listening I'm thinking about Hailey. She has long brown hair with blue eyes and a hart shaped face, she is into acting and drama. She has a great voice and is a great dancer. She is amazing and I already know that two of my friends are battling for her but they will both be left on their asses when I swoop in and take Hailey. "Seriously Jackson" Katy looks at me with a smile on her face, "What" I ask. You know you just said all that stuff out loud". "You heard that" , Emily nodded hiding her laugh with her sleeve. "She sounds like a bitch" Katy laughs and throws a dart at her dart board and makes it in the red. "have I ever told you I I hate you Katy" "every single day my brother" she responds still laughing. "Thanks for the help and when was your last boyfriend" "about the same time your last shower was , God you smell" Katy sneered. "Its cologne" I fire back. "You smell like a Macy's add". "Whatever thanks for the advice I'm leaving Hannah is waiting at the skate park with Austin.
Katy POV
There goes my love sick brother going to hang out with his best friend Hannah who I know likes Jackson. They have been friends forever and I like Hannah she is really pretty and my type. She and I get along. Currently she is dating this guy who dosnt like her hanging out with Jackson. But kids will be kids. "So now that puppy dog is gone we can talk for real" Skylar says taking out her phone. Puppy dog is what she has called Jackson since he was little it's because he has big brown eyes and loves to beg for things. "what things" I ask not really caring but someone had to ask other wise she would never stop talking. "Are you really asking me I'm talking about the tour on we going on it or not". Right you mean Magcon and my vote is no" I state my input throwing another dart. "If you decide to be that way your vote won't count" Emily says. "Now all in favor of going say I" "I" skylar chirps "I"! Yells another voice and I turn to see Sabrina in my door way. "Sissyboo did you miss me kitty Kat" she teases pulling me into a hug. "Umm I guess nothing like living with three boys and sharing a bathroom right" I say throwing yet another dart and making it in the red. "Can I ask why I was almost hit by Jackson who was riding his bike in the hallway"? "Honestly I have no idea" I answer. Sabrina shrugs and hugs Emily and Sky. Dallas walks in with Jackson. "Okay some one go grab dad and we can have a party in my room right guys, I mean seriously do any of you idiots knock". "I heard that Kitty Kat" my dad calls from the kitchen. "Good take notes will ya" I holler back. "Sorry Sabrina came home and is in your room" Jackson said giving Sabrina a hug. "Missed you Jackson" Sabrina laughed messing up his hair. Jackson immediately started to run his fingers on his scalp fixing the damage. "Hey S" how was New York" Dallas asks. "Great and now I can take over and become te oldest like I always have been so Dallas make sure to tell me how it feels to not be in charge k" Sabrina hugs Dallas and Dallas pushes her off. The oldest Swanson kids have always had their differences. Since Sabrina is older she is always in charge and that drives my brother crazy. When Sabrina left for New York Dallas wasted no time taking her place." Will somebody please feed Murphy" My dad called. Those words are lethal when Murphy is hungry there is no where to hide one time Jackson forgot to feed the thing and he ate the couch pillows and a sketch pad of mine he get almost rabid and starts to get really aggressive so we figured out a way to decide who has to tame the beast it's simple really when dad calls "someone please feed Murphy all sawn sons try and tackle each other the one on bottoms feeds the beast. When the last syllable of my dad's sentence was out we charged I was taken down by Jackson and Sabrina clobbered Dallas in a matter of seconds I was pinned and was announced the loser. I got up and tiptoed into the laundry room. a few feet away was Murphy's bowl and food but in the middle was Murphy chewing a shoe all I could think was "please let that be Dallas' shoe" and I bolted to the food and grabbed the dish Murphy flipped and chased after me and got me in the ground slobbering and growling. "Calm yourself Murphy" I say coaxing him off me and hurriedly scoop edge food and water and ran for my life back up the stairs No one had moved in fact Jackson was still on the ground. "What kind of make up is that Katy because woof" he says cracking him self up Murphy mangled to smear my make up. I fixed it and wiped the drool off me and punched Jackson. "I gotta go my dad is having guest for dinner and I need to be there" Emily waves and is out the window. Skylar goes to after a few minutes and then I catch up with Sabrina.

Sorry for the delay I was busy and I found a co author and she will be doing it for me sad000

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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