Chapter 5: luhan

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"So chorong what did you talk about?"-eunji

"My precious memories..."-chorong

"ohh... so you know it"-eunji

"yep that he is my boyfriend"-chorong

"so what kind of memories?"-eunji

"Umm the things we used to do.."-chorong

"What things?"-eunji

"Umm that we go to the park at weekends spend our time together..."-chorong

"i can't believe that ive done that before"-chorong

"Believe that ive seen you at the park before hihi"-eunji

"ok so lets go now im gonna get my books at the locker"-eunji


Chorong's P.O.V

So.. i still cant believe that ive done those things before...that he's my boyfriend...that we kind of always hangout together...

"Chorong!"-eunji said

"You been frozen like ice,what are you thinking? its like soo deep"-eunji said worriedly


"ok so get your books now were gonna be late"-eunji


Eunji's P.O.V

what was chorong thinking im very curious...but she wont tell me its ok :) but its deep she should tell me so cuz um her bestfriend...


"Oh hi chen what are you doing here?"-eunji

"umm..wait le me think..ok so im finding luhan because our classes will be starting in minutes,can you help me find him?"-chen said while scratching his head

"Ok lets find him now"-eunji


"chen! i can see him such a playboy i thought that luhan and seohyun are in a relationship?"-eunji said angryly because seohyun is on of eunji's best friend

"you know him doesn't take it seriously"-chen

"yah!"-eunji said while dragging luhan away from that girl

"hey girl! do you know that luhan is in a relationship?!"-eunji

"No...he said that he's not in a relationship with someone..."-girl

"so you know who's that girl!"-eunji


"its seohyun"-eunji

"so now you know"-eunji


"so get lost"-eunji

the girl running so nervous because of  eunji

"hey why did you do that?"-luhan

"because you're in a relationship with my bestfriend duh?!"-eunji

"who cares..."-luhan

"Ok guys stop that now discuss that later were gonna be late"-chen

"were not done yet wait till seohyun will know this"-eunji

"please dont say this to her"-luhan

"i cant hear anything chen do you hear anything cuz im not hearing anything"-eunji

"cant wait to tell this to seohyun"-eunji said evily {haha}

"no jebal"-luhan

~chapter 5~

anneyong chingus keep reading to know what seohyun's reaction when eunji is going to say this haha evileunjirising haha


jalgayo guyth!

"signing off"


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