A Dream

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So I got a dream about him. I don't know if I should add more of these stuff in the future, so you guys decide. This is my best explanation of the dream so far, with some fixtures.

We were in the auditorium of our school. It was 6:30 at night and we were dismissed from play practice but I wanted to stay and rehearse a bit more. 'One more run-through of the whole thing, then I'll go home' I thought to myself.

There were some parts where I was paired with a guy named Evan. There were the teachers of course, but other then that, there was only one person left. Him. Well, I had to practice so I did something I might regret.

"Hey, can you help me practice?" I said. Well, he is in one of the other parts I had to practice so I guess this was fine. I might still regret this later.

"Sure" he said. "Thank you" he probably thinks I'm a weirdo. We go other the steps of the whole thing, even though he doesn't need to know. So, that whole part was about a quarter of the play, and then there's another quarter I still have to memorise; at least he's in that second part I'm in.

Practicing the whole thing was okay, although we got a few steps wrong.It was maybe 8:30 when we finished and we had to go home for dinner.

After the whole thing, he hugged me from behind. At this point I wasn't thinking straight. I was thinking on putting my hand in his and look like a cute little friends thing. And right when I going to do that..........

I just woke up! I seriously almost cried, I was that sad. Oh well.

Join me next time when I actually talk about the 'Behind the Scenes' of the play I kind of talked about.

Okay, there actually isn't any this time

P.S. I'm gonna tell him on the Christmas break. Hopefully I have enough courage though

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