Day 7

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It was raining today, so we were relaxing and working in the cave.

Clonk-clonk sounds were reverberating while I was striking and grinding a mysterious obsidian-like rock I found yesterday by the riverside. I'm trying to turn it into something knife-like.

No, I wished to have fur clothes soon. I wanted to graduate from the worn out cloth, but the horn was not suitable for cutting.

Partly because I was making a terrible noise, partly because they were interested in what I was doing, the goblins born at the same time as me drew close, however by ignoring them, while continuing to work they later scattered. Good riddance.

The older goblins for some reason were smiling while observing me. I don't know why.

Oh well, since I was able to make three pseudo-knives until slightly past noon, I'll consider this good. Since both my hands were starting to hurt slightly, I decided to end it at that. The pseudo knife manufacturing halted since it is just something to do in my spare time.

There were two people, Gobumi, and Gobukichi who were staring at my work without getting bored--no, next time I will count not by People but by goblin --I called for a strategy meeting concerning the formation of the next hunt.

Various opinions were noisily being voiced-although it is a field where I am mostly unchallenged, Gobumi who is smarter than Gobukichi did offer her opinion once in a while. Gobukichi was constantly nodding since he's an idiot. During the meeting, a remarkably wrinkled goblin approached us.

This goblin is Gobu-jii. This [Goblin Community]'s oldest goblin, he possessed a social position close to an adviser, and above all, my name Goburou was given to me by this grandfather goblin.

The strategy meeting was postponed, for now, to listen to various stories Gobu-jii told us.

No, Gobu-jii has had a uselessly long life but he has very extensive knowledge, so I do not want to miss this opportunity.

Well, because it would only take about 20 years or so to be called an elderly person, this body will not be able to have a long life...Hahaha.

I pulled myself together.

Gobu-jii told us many things about this world such as, the rules for levels and Rank Up, apparently such a thing exists, why in this cave except for us newly born goblins, there were only elderly goblins around, among other things.

Let's leave this world's levels, Rank Up and such for later, let's first talk about the goblins who live in this cave.

Apparently the young goblins, maybe our goblin parents, are working away from home in the forest. Working away from home, in short pillaging right? I understand.

Eh, are goblins so weak that they easily die from horned rabbits? No no, that is a newborn goblin, right? Goblins are certainly weak as a race however, isn't this the reason for why the goblins who are born in this forest are able to move the day after, training to kill using a wooden stick and throwing stones in order to learn how to support themselves, literally learning cunning tactics and the skills needed to survive by risking their lives.

The weak die, the strong live, I understand this very simple yet severe law.

Really, so merciless I want to cry.

Well, lately there are many individuals who imitated us by pairing up when hunting horned rabbits. Because of that, the surviving individuals numbered more than ever.

While I was nodding and saying "I see!", I saw that somehow Gobu-jii's loincloth began to change shape. Apparently, his long life hadn't dulled his desire to spawn progeny, or perhaps he sensed that his death was close.

Ugh, after almost puking, I wanted to stop our talk as soon as possible and averted my gaze.

As if I can gaze long at that thing.

Since our talk had ended, his face showing how pleased he was with himself, Gobu-jii got a look of lust and went to the inner parts of the cave.

A short while later, feeble feminine shrieks were heard. I put my hands together and prayed twice for the sake of the captured women. Doing anything more than this is at the moment impossible for me, someday I'd like to give those women peace.

Still, even living under those conditions is for sure unfair, I think. Even I felt that much sympathy.

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