Chapter 6... Past

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"Lay down now," Freya said. I did as I was told. It was late afternoon. Freya and I had agreed that now was the best time for this. "I... I'm only going to give you a little at a time. If your body reacts negatively in any way then I will give you the antidote to wake you immediately."

"Okay. I'm ready." I tried to be strong but I was scared. While the opportunity to remember who I was exciting, the possibility of it being the last thing I see frightened me. I've only been here months and I had already attached myself to Freya and the world around me. If it turned to be true that I was not from here or that I wasn't who I thought I was in the beginning, I wouldn't know what to do. If turned out that I had family waiting for me, how would I detach myself from Freya? She was like a mother to me. It would be hard to leave her alone and never see her again.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. Freya sat the bowl in her hand to the side and answered. "This isn't a good time right now." Atreus looked around her at me. He looked worried. He pushed in, "(y/n) are you sick? Are you okay?" he asked. I smiled and sat up in bed.

"I'm okay."

"Then why are you laying down?" he felt my forehead. "You don't feel warm."

"Atreus I'm not sick." Freya and Kratos walked in.

"(y/n) and I was in the middle of something. Is what you need important?" she asked.

"I came to ask if you had any more of the medicine you gave father."

"You used it all already?" I asked getting out of bed. "No, but I wanted to have extra just in case. I can't heal myself like father can and when I used some of your medicine on this cut I got from my arrow, it healed really fast." I took the box from last time over to him. "Here." I put the pouch in his hand. "It's the last one and I might not be able to make some more for a while. Use it wisely Atreus." he smiled nodded. He put it away in his bag. "What were you doing just now?" I sighed and looked at Freya. She nodded reading my eyes "If you want to." I turned back to Atreus. "I was going to go on a little journey."

"Where? Is it somewhere fun? Is Freya going too? Can I go?"

"Boy," Kratos called him. He stopped talking instantly.

"I don't know, Probably not, no and definitely no" I answered all his questions. I kneeled a bit to look him in his eyes. "I'm going on a trip" I tapped my left side temple " into my mind."

"That sounds fun. Can I watch?"

"Only if your father says yes." I looked up at Kratos with a smile.

"Atreus we cannot waste time here. We have things to do." he said while looking at me.

"But father I-"


"Can I stay and you go?" he asked. Kratos said nothing for a moment before turning and leaving.

"That was easy." I mumbled. I stood up went to see if he was outside the door. He was faster than I thought. "You go sit over there Atreus." Freya pointed to the seat at the table. "(y/n), Come lay down so we can begin." I closed the door.


"You only need to take a small sip to start with."

"Okay." I put my lips to the bowl and took a sip. It tasted disgusting. I could taste the poison from the plants. I felt it numb my tongue. I laid back as the potion kicked in"Ew." I mumbled. Atreus chuckled.

For a moment I felt as if I were floating. In water? Suspended in the air? I felt light as if i weighed less then a feather. Then i felt myself falling. I opened my eyes.

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