start off

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on a bright early morning there is a young woman walking down a corridor making sure everything is as its supposed to be. as she walks she scribbles things down on her checklist that is supported by a beautifully crafted black hard plastic clipboard. she notices that they have a new shipment of coco bean in the afternoon. she must remind her boss cause he is very forgetful. she chuckles at the thought of the goofy and childish man. as she comes to a big door she checks something off of the list.

::::::::::(y/n)'s p.o.v::::::::::

i come to a stop at my boss's office door as i check off something from the list. i look up from my clipboard and knock at the door. it takes a minute when the man in thought opened the door "AH miss (y/n)! come in please i have some things we must discuss." he said with a bright smile on his face. i nod and he moves out of the way to let me in. he gestures me to sit at a chair that was in front of his desk. i took a seat but he did not. "wheres charlie" i questioned. the man hummed in question then realized what i said. " oh hes off on a fun day with his family. i thought i would give him a break" i nodded my head and sat my clipboard down on his desk. " so" i crossed my legs and sat my hands neatly on my lap. his eyes never seeming to leave me. " what was it that you wanted to discuss about?" his face lit up and he smiled. "i wanted you to try some new candy flavors me and charlie made up" he said with a bright smile " oh that sounds fun" he nodded and excused himself and went to retrieve a platter with the candies on it. when he came back he pulled his chair and sat it right in front of mine and sat down, he carefully handed you a thick string that had a rainbow gradient, i took it in my hand with a questioned look "oh! this candy is a gummy that will make things that taste yucky taste like a certain candy flavor depending on the color of the thing you ate" he informed. i nodded my head " that's amazing. who thought of that one?" he chuckled "charlie did, hes a clever little boy isn't he"

i nodded and ate the candy, slowly the candy changed flavor and when i was done my tongue was a rainbow gradient. " now to test it out" he said, he handed me a small tabled the size of a peppermint " its pure sourness and its green so it should taste like kiwi" he said excitedly. i popped it into my mouth and surprisingly it did, it was so delicious." wow willy, that really tasted like kiwi" i said with a big smile but covered it with my hand, i don't really like my smile and try my hardest not to, but i just couldn't help it.  "hey (y/n) is something wrong?" i shake my head no "yes there is, you cant lie to me, your hiding your smile, do you not think your pretty?"  i dont understand ho- wait cheeks began to burn and i avoid all eye contact . willy takes this as a yes and smiles and pats my head gently. " dont worry sugar plum. your beautiful in my eyes." WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN. this drove me crazy and i turned even more red, i've had a crush on willy for the longest time, i should be over all the butterflies but i just cant help it. i dont think it meant anything....i think he was just trying to make me feel better. i let out a soft sigh and decide to say something " thanks willy.....that was really sweet of you" he chuckled at my unintentional pun and asked if we should continue taste testing. 

:::::::time skip::::::

after taste testing he gave me a stack of new recipes to file and type out. im casually doing my job when willy decides its time to play. hes like a kid sometimes, he has a sweet smile and is holding something behind his back. i smile up at him and stop typing. " how may i help you willy" i say in a soft tone. he cocked his head to the side and smiled with a chuckle " ooooh hey (y/n) have you noticed that your clipboard felt a little.....lighter".........what the heck was he talking about. i raised an eyebrow in confusion. this man makes me nervous sometimes. "" he slowly shows me whats behind his back and i gasp at the was a big pink envelope with hearts on it, it must've slipped out from under the rest of my papers, i put all of my confessions in that envelope....most of them were about my big crush on my boss. he waves it with a bright smile. " well...dont you want it back?" i shot up and rushed towards him and right when i was about to grab it he held it over his head. he is taller than me so i had no chance in getting it back. with his other free hand he grabs my shoulder softly and whispers something in my ear " if you felt that way about me then why didnt you just tell me......(y/n)" i froze and shudders when he said my name in a low vice, i could feel his warm breath on my neck and ear, it sent chills up my spine he moved away from my ear and handed me the envelope. i took it and avoided his face, i didnt want him to see my almost red face. he lifts my head up by putting his index finger under my chin and lifting it up to meet his gaze. "dont fret about it sugar" i nodded and he booped my nose before saying goodbye and leaving. i slowly walked to my desk chair and collapsed. i set my head down onto my desk and thought about the whole thing.

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