not just a walk

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I was doodling on my notepad when a small knock came from my door, i slightly crack the door open to peek through and saw little charlie, "hi charlie, how may i help you" I said with a sweet tone and a smile. He smiled and blushed, charlie is adorable "im her to take you to mr wonka" He simply replied, "of course, lets go" I offered him my hand and we walked to that beautiful chocolate river. I hugged charlie and he went on his way, "you come here often" Willy said standing behind me, causing me to jump and accidentally fall back into him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and set his chin on my shoulder "jumpy are we? " He said and smirked "ha ha willy... You did scare me a little" I said as i tried not to stutter, i could feel his heat on my neck, the butterflies in my stomach got worse when he leaned his head against mine. "Im sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Though the noise you made was cute" He said as he gently released me, as he began to walk in front of me i tried to avoid eye contact but his eyes are just too hard to NOT Look at. He took off one of his gloves and grabbed my hand, he gently brought it up to his lips and kissed the top side of my hand. "Your really pretty today. And that hat is cute" My blush grew more intense as i tried hiding it with my other hand, he chuckled "come on. Lets start our walk" He kept his glove off as he laced his fingers with mine and we began to walk alongside the river. As we walked we had a conversation about our next step in the candy industry, i did not notice willy staring at me lovingly while i rambled on new ideas. When i was done rambling he chuckled, "what'sn so funny hm? " I tilt my head and cock my eye brow with a smile, he glances at my face then looks away, "nothing.... I've just never felt this way about someone before" He looked down at the ground with a shy expression. Your hand rested over my heart as i took in what he said, 'aaww, poor willy' i thought to myself. I reached my hand to gently caress his cheek, he flinches slightly at my first initial touch. He put his ungloved hand over mine and gently moved it to his lips and gave my hand a tender kiss all while staring straight into my eyes.

As we kept walking i did not notice the bright scenery up ahead, but why it does catch my attention i am blown away, it was a gazebo with fairy lights strewn everywhere, in the trees, on the candy canes and all around the gazebo. Roses hung by the stem from the ceiling, in the gazebo was a table with 2 chairs, the table had what seemed to be dinner. He pulls out my chair and motioned me to sit, i sat and he did the same as he sat on the opposite side of me. As we talk i start to notice willy's slick demeanor was faltering, i saw that his hands were a bit shaky and his leg would bounce up and down. I smiled as i realized that willy wasn't really as slick as he made himself out to be, he was just trying to make me blush. But since he doesn't know how to be affectionate or romantic its starting to wear off. I crossed y arms on the table and smirked "what's wrong willy, getting a little nervous are we?, what's making you so nervous hm? " Willy avoids all eye contact and says not a single word "willy its ok, i wont laugh, just tell me" I said in a soothing voice, willy seems to ponder a bit before he takes a deep breath in "what's it like to kiss someone you like" I saw the innocence in his eyes, i blushed and smiled, looking down at the ground "it feels amazing" He looks to the side "....... Can you teach me" -to be continued

💜Hey yall im just retarded so it takes extra long for me to get chapters out (translation: i have ADHD and cant focus on getting one thing done)

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