ONE: Meeting Annie

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-Nathaniel's POV-

I'm so sick and tired of this place. It's too huge, so many rooms. I've never seen many of them let alone enter them in all my 25 years in this life. Right now I'm feeling so lonely the only person I talk to is Ian, my bodyguard, well its more like buddyguard.
And there's someone else I really talk to, he is Tom and he's my best friend. We went to the same college and he was the only that didn't treat me like I was a god, he kind of hated my guts at first but then we got really close and we've been tight ever since.
Since I had nothing to do I guess I would head over to Tom's.
"Argh" I got up from my king sized bed. I'd been there for hours just staring at the ceiling. As I walked down the stairs I notice Ian. "Ian?".
He turned back and walked towards me." I'm going over to Tom's, wanna come?" Not like he was going to say no, his job was to protect me and he couldn't do that when I'm kilometers away could he?.
"Yeah sure, ready when you are".
I pat his shoulder as I walked past him although he was more than a head taller and I'm not short even though he's younger not like two years is a lot but still. " great, you grab the keys, you drive this time".
"Yes boss". He saluted and went off he only calls me that when he wants to be annoying but I'll let it slip.
I turn around and almost bump into my mom. She's here in LA for a kind of meeting. I don't get to do all that shit yet. My coronation is just around the corner, I've avoided this thing for so long, yeah my coronation is long overdue but I always have an excuse or another it gets postponed.
"Hi mom" I'm walking away when she grabs my arm "Nate, where are you headed?". My mom has this impeccable English accent, she's lived in England all her life as English royalty. Her parents had all girls and as the only surviving child she was heir.
I'm still standing there staring at my mom when she asks again. She does this all the time, she wants to know my every move. Every step I take and in what direction, its annoying really.
" Mom can't I just go a single day without you wanting to know my every move. I can take care of myself". I thundered.
The house shook as I slammed the front door. When I remembered I wasn't with the car keys I was about to go in when I heard my mom say " Make sure he's safe". I could imagine Ian nod and bow as he said " Yes your highness".
As I hear Ian's huge footsteps move closer to the door I step back from the door, when he opened the door and saw my still furious expression he smiled sheepishly.
"What took you so long?". When he didn't answer I walked over to the car and got in as he got into the driver's seat and started the engine and glanced over at me and then drove into the drive way.
The guards at the gate bowed as we passed. The glass was tinted they couldn't even see me so how'd they know if I'm even looking at them. Well whatever.
As soon as we leave the premises, paparazzi started taking pictures. Dumb asses every one already knows evey single model of cars I own thanks to you so why still take pictures of my car.
It was easier to loose them today and as soon as that was over I started to rant about things, Ian just sits there. I'm not sure he even heard a thing I said cause he didn't reply. "Why can't she just leave me I'm old enough, I'm not even 20.
Ian announces our arrival before I take note of our surroundings.
As I got down from the car I notice Ian shaking the keys me. He stepped out of the car and followed me in long strides . I took the elevator and thankfully on the way up it was empty.

-Annie's POV-
I'm a third year student in college studying theatre Arts. I live in the dormitory with my best friend,Jean.
My family lives miles away so I only go home once in a while. I can't go this time cause I'm pretty busy but jean squeezed all in all her projects and she had a two week break, she's back home and i am stuck here, all alone in dorm. No Best friend and no boyfriend not since Cody.
Lindsay is one of my friends and she invited me over for a sleep over. She lives in an apartment with her brother.
Boredom is killing me over here so I decided to head to Lindsay's early, Lindsay's brother, Tom is alone in the apartment playing PES. I swear this guys are addicted.
I drop my bag somewhere on the floor and sit cross legged next to Tom, texting away on my phone. Someone knocks bringing us out of our respective worlds.
" were you expecting someone?"
"Probably just Lindsay maybe she forgot her keys" he gets up from the couch and walks to the door.
I continued chatting on my phone when I hear their footsteps I look up.
"Hey, lin-". My breadth caught In my throat. " you're Prince Nathaniel Wellington IV" I blurt.
I bow nervously "your Highness"
He just smiled at me "nice to meet you too".

-Nathaniel's POV-

When I walked into Tom's house I saw her sitting on the couch phone in hand, at first I thought she was Lindsay but then she had pale blonde hair and Lindsay had caramel brown hair.
She looked up and all her feelings were written across her face. I've gotten used to this.
She's still in her confused state when Tom spoke up " Nate, this is Annie, she's a friend of Lindsay's. Annie, this is His Royal highness as you stated moments ago and his buddy, Ian."
I stretched my hand and she still stared at me "nice to meet you". She finally placed her hand in mine and whispers a faint " Hi".
When I look around Ian had already made himself comfortable on one of the couches. I sit beside Tom grabbing the other remote and got lost in the game minutes later.

This is the first time I ever felt anything close to a crush on someone and first time I'm admitting it. The other girls I dated were just beautiful and available and I was tired of that life.
When it was time to leave, Lindsay finally came home.
"Hey Nath, how've you been?" She gave me a high five and a hug.
Annie just kept staring at us while we exchanged pleasantries, Lindsay walked up to her and whispered something to her which made her blush. She hit Lindsay's arm a few times before laughing out loud. As we got ready to leave the apartment,
I hugged her good bye and she looked like an animal caught in headlights. " I thought we were over this"
" Hey don't expect me to get used to it immediately, you're the Prince for Royal's sake " she said smiling.
I smiled and winked at her as Tom, Ian and I walked to the door.
Tom patted my arm." She's single you know ".
" I didn't ask, Tom"
" l know it was just a hint." Tom spoke winked at me " bye".
Ian and I walked into the elevator and ...............
" Nathaniel, your mom wants to see you". Shit I've been day dreaming all day.
" I'll be down right away, Ian."
My mom was waiting for me by the time I walked down the stairs.
" how many times do I have to tell you to choose your friends among people of wealth?"
"Mom, if this is about Tom you might as well forget it."
"You are the prince for crying out loud. Well that's beside the point, you need to come back to England, your coronation is long overdue"
" I know mom not just now, okay. I promise I'll be back soon. "
"Then again , Camilla's mom is throwing a party for her husband's 62nd birthday in New York. You have to be there."
"Okay, I'll come just this once but mom promise me you wouldn't matchmake Camilla and I".
" You guys are perfect together. Well if you don't want that happening you have to prove to me you can find a queen on your own."
And she walks away. Jeez, not again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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