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They were having a concert today.Baekhyun was in his dressing room.

The hairdresser getting him ready for the show.

They had an hour before it started.

"So, how are you and Chanyeol doing?" Their hairdresser asked him.

"you're noisy as always, miss."

Baekhyun  smirks.

"Please, just trying to show I care."

She said rolling her eyes.

Baekhyun  has been dating Chanyeol for two months now.Chanyeol is his perfect ideal boyfriend.There was no doubt about it.He couldn't ask for anyone better.

Everything was going well...only, one problem.

Chanyeol made him promise before we started dating.They would wait six months before having sex.

Baekhyun really does respect his wishes..but he is getting more and more impatient everyday.He doesn't know what to do about it.

He feels like because of the rule..that Chanyeol doesn't want him that way.He knows it isn't true....he can't help doubt otherwise though.All they've done is snuggle, hold hands, and kiss.(No complaints about them at all either) He doesn't really makeout anymore until he starts.Just sometimes he wished Chanyeol would be a little more forward.He knows that..

Chanyeol's more goodlooking then him.'usually I think I'm better looking' Baekhyun laughs, sinking into depression remembering these things.

He hopes it's all that Chanyeol is being a gentleman and considerate of his feelings.

Luhan, Lay, and Kris constantly tell him that.Yet, he still doubts himself.He doesn't tell his hair dresser this though.

"Everything's going good.In a couple of weeks, it'll be three months."

Baekhyun said proudly with a small smile.Everything really was going good.So, he wasn't lying. The only problem was that, but  if you think about it, it really isn't one.It's just him doubting himself.

"That's great!! you guys make such a perfect couple."she said with a grin.He looked so adorable.She puts paint across his face.

"There, you're all done." She handed him a mirror.

"Wow, thanks!!" he said admiring himself.He looked hot with gold and black paint.His hair was a wine red slicked back.He was wearing a tight leather colorful jacket, chains hung loose at the sleeves where his elbows are.He wore skinny jeans that really showed off his ass, and converse."No problem." She said with a smile putting the mirror down, before Baekhyun admired himself too much."If you leave now... you might get to catch Chanyeol before everyone heads on." she winked.

His eyes lit up like a puppy dog who hopes they might be getting food. He grinned widely."Thank you, I'll be leaving now then!! bye!!" he waved to her and walked out the front door. Baekhyun didn't get the chance to meet with Chanyeol.So, we could go together.It made him sad and even more so..that Chanyeol hasn't texted him back since yet.

'Damn it...should've asked her what room Chanyeol was in.Oh well, I'll just text him' Baekhyun said to himself.He pulled out his cellphone and asked Chanyeol through text where he was.

He managed to bump into someone, hearing a ringtone follow along after.Baekhyun looked up to see his boyfriend.

"Chanyeol-Ah..." he said with an eyecathing smile.

Chanyeol smiled back.His perfect smile, that made Baekhyun's heart flutter a million times fast.

"Hey." Chanyeol said."You look good." He gives Baekhyun a kiss on his lips.Baekhyun blushed and it made a smug look dance upon Chanyeol's features. He pulled away, causing Baekhyun to pout similiar to a dog.

He chuckled."I would continue but if I do, our makeup will get ruined." Chanyeol told him as he held his hand.Baekhyun intertwined his fingers with his.

"You're right, I almost forgot about it." Baekhyun replied with a giggle.All his doubts blown away when with him.When he says these things and kisses him.These are the reasons why he loves him.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun walked to the stage area.They could hear the fans roaring with excitement waiting for them to appear.

Everyone else showed up. We all did our cheer and all of us together headed out onto stage.The 12 of us performing on stage.

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