Chapter 19- The Final Battle Part 2

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(Warning of harsh language even though it's not a lot :P)

"You can't hide forever but I'll tell you a tale..." Mewtwo's voice echoed. "I was trying to wipe out all of the Pokémon, only choosing some of the strongest to live. I was on, what you call, a genocide streak. There was a group of Pokémon trying to fight me, some of them being the strongest fighters."

Greninja was still afraid of this Pokémon, which didn't occur often. He stayed still and listened to the Pokémon's words.

"Two of them were a couple, both Greninja's. I suspected that they were already parents of an egg, since the female was feeling weak. They were the most skilled fighters I've met. However, I killed them both when they tried stopping my plans for recreating this world by destroying everything and everyone and starting anew." Mewtwo explained, closing his eyes.

"You fucking bastard!" Greninja yelled in his head. He clenched his fists tightly, his face burning up and a million thoughts running through his head. He wanted to avenge his parents so bad...and he's willing to risk his life to take him down.

Without hesitation, he jumped out of his hiding spot at a fast speed and gave the Mewtwo a death stare. "Then I guess I'll have to take you down.." Greninja growled, preparing his cut move in his hand.

The frog ran towards him, accelerating quickly and transitioning into a fast jump towards him. "Bastard!" He yelled as he took a swing at the psychic pokemon. However the psychic didn't move or even flinch and his cut attack simply went through him like he just tried to cut air. "An illusion..." Greninja told himself as he came back down and landed silently on the ground.

"You're going to have to try a lot harder than that!" Mewtwo cackled Behring the frog, floating. "After all.."

"You're against a master psychic."

His voice boomed and echoed across the city that was mostly destroyed. Greninja froze up. A feeling of dread came over him and started to make him sweat. "Keep your cool Greninja." He whispered to himself to relax and stay calm. If he were to be reckless and go all out, he'll surely get killed.

Mewtwo began charging up a shadow ball, a smirk of confidence in his face, staring at the frog pokemon facing away from him. "I'm not into cheap tricks." Mewtwo growled, turning around and slamming the shadow ball into one of Greninja's clones, making it fade away. Before he knew it Greninja had jumped behind the psychic, slashed at him with his water blade as hard as he could and sent him flying forward. "You're really getting on my nerves you stupid frog." Mewtwo whispered, blasting Greninja with a Psybeam into a broken down building.

Greninja coughed in pain, and took a deep breath. "He's a lot more powerful than I've anticipated..." He thought as he wiped away the small amount of blood from his mouth. "Confusion!" Mewtwo yelled, blasting another beam in his direction. Greninja's eyes widened in shock, and mustered up his strength to dodge the attack. He had jumped back in the air, the loud explosion echoing below him once again. Without wasting anytime, he tried to quickly charge up a water shuriken to launch at Mewtwo. "I'm already way too weak..I don't know how much longer I can last..."

Before he knew it, Mewtwo had teleported in front of him and gave him a hard punch in the face, sending him at a high speed towards the ground. Greninja, while landing downwards, was able to maneuver his body fast enough to land on his feet, though severely weakened. Greninja's breath quickened and started feel fatigued and weak.

The Mewtwo teleported once more in front of him, and Greninja has brought out his cut blade once again and took another swing, which was slower and weaker in power than usual. The psychic grabbed the Greninja's wrist, took the blade out of his hand, and swiftly stabbed the frog in the stomach. "Fuck..." Muttered under his breath, coughing up a little blood. He stumbled back a bit, and Mewtwo stepped forward.

Looking at Greninja's twitching eye, his weak and in-pain expression, Mewtwo muttered.


A.N. Sorry for the long wait for this Chapter! If all goes according to plan, I'll be posting the other part soon.

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