A New Start

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things were a little different for the next few weeks after-well, you know. Charlie's father stopped visiting, i ate a little less, and my mother and i didn't talk so much. we weren't angry at each other, we just never knew what to say. dinner was quiet and awkward, we would just eat slowly, not really speaking to one another. there was an occasional glance and, "do you like the meal?" every once in a while, but that's the most interaction that was involved. amber would light up a room by just walking in, always smiling, and wearing the most beautiful colors on her dresses and skirts. now things are kind of dull, and the only colors existing in the house were grey, tan, white, and a light, faded, purple.

to get my mind off their passing, i decided to go through the pasture for a short walk. but since mother was still sleeping, (which now she did a lot of) i left a note, reading,

"outside, in the woods. just yell if you need me.


after that got on my shoes and headed out. i couldn't hear any wolves or wild animals, the most there was was rabbits and a few small snakes, which i didn't mind at all. as i was walking, my head would sway back and forth looking at the lush, green leaves and fallen bark and twigs surrounding the trees. Frogs and squirrels would rush past my feet, sometimes with bits of leaves spraying my ankles. i saw something glittering a little in the distance, so i started walking towards it. then i heard from the back of me, "andri, come home!" i was surprised that she actually requested me home, but i still turned around and went back.

when i returned home i saw my mom stitching a hole shut in amber's favorite dress. it brought a tear to my eye, but quickly, i wiped it away. if i started crying, certainly my mother would, too. i gazed at her pulling the needle in, out, in, out. i missed watching that dress run around the house and the woods on amber's small, limber body. both mother and i needed some of her enlightening, she often seemed to have that affect on people. i then remembered about my agreement with myself to try to get my mind off the situation, so as a nice deed for mother, i thought it'd be nice to make lunch for the both of us. she looked hungry, and so was i, but she was clearly trying to hide it for some reason. i pulled out 2 and a half ham slices and started cooking. 25 minutes later our food was ready, so i got out two plates and two glasses, and went to the well outside. when i came back in i saw mother pushing her food away, seconds later i pushed it back, along with her water. "mother, please eat. i know this has us both depressed, but we cannot let it interfere with our health." amber would've been done eating already, and would be running outside. then she looked up at me, putting down her needle and supplies. "thank you andri, stick my slice in the icebox now, though. i'm really not hungry. i sighed heavily. "i have been putting your meals in there for the past few days, now. mother, please. why won't you eat?" i asked, sadly. she huffed. "andri. i said put it away. i'll eat later!" she snapped, marching into our room. i sat there, staring at our food. suddenly i wasn't so hungry either, so i put both plates in the nearly full ice box. then i dug out of the garbage my note from before, and left back into the woods. i wanted to know what was shining over there. now when i went back in, there were a little more than rabbits, snakes and frogs. plenty of birds had joined, and a few unfamiliar-noised animals. after about 10 minutes of searching, i finally got back to the spot with the shimmering object. i ran over and picked it up, with instant realization. "how did i not remember this before?" i asked myself, continuing to stare at it in my hand.

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