Part 1 : a blurry haze.

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Hiyoko pov.

my eyes shot open and I awoke with sweat dripping down my face, adrenaline was pumping throughout my body and my heart was beating fast, I couldn't muster the words to even speak. when I finally snapped back into reality, it was all really a haze and my vision was blurry until I heard a faint noise of finger snapping directly in front of me and eventually I stared hearing voices

'heeyyy!! earth to Hiyoko!!'
'Heh, I think she's dead-'
'Shut up why don't you?!'

Am I dead? Wait no, that's not possible- sooner or later I could make out a faint outline of a womanly figure right in front of me, her hands on her hips.

'I think she's awake!!'

my eyes finally adjusted. I was in class.. had I fallen asleep?? Did somebody tell such a boring story that I passed out? did-
'Hiyoko!!' It was mahiru! She was violently snapping her fingers in my face, but I seemed I was on the floor because she was towering over me.
'u-ugh..why does my head hurt..' my head pounded like somebody had hammered me in the skull.. 'get up and I'll tell you, silly!' Mahiru exclaimed
I stood up, light headed and disoriented- there were other people there Ibuki, mikan, chiaki and hajime.
'P-Please don't tell her w-what happened!!' Mikan pleaded- her voice stuttering with complete embarrassment
'We need to tell her, she'll be confused-'
Mahiru snapped back before I cut her off 'Uhm! "She" needs less of the chit chat and
More of the explaining !!'
'Well.. what happened was, while you were walking into class, mikan tried running in because she thought she was late- of course, not realising you were there..'
'I-I'm s-s-Sorry!!!' Mikan covered her face, seeming kind of flustered 'I-I didn't mean it!'
'Okay..jeez mikan I forgive you- Mahiru tell the rest of the story..'
Mahiru cleared her throat 'she of course ran into you, pushing you forward therefore you slammed your lil head into the desk and passed out.'
'O-Oh...that's why I'm so dizzy..' I sighed and gripped my head 'ow..'
'Maybe you're just picking up my bad luck!' Nagito laughed, trying to lighten the mood
'Ah shut up nagito!' All that yelling made me dizzy, and make my head pound 'I'm g-going home..' I stuttered
"Y-You can't leave without asking yukizome!" Proclaimed mikan
"I don't give I flying fuck about yukizome, you fucking belted me with a table!!"
I yelled forcefully as I pushed past the huge crowd, leaving the classroom- my head pounding worse than ever
I over heard the chatter of everyone as I turned the the corner away from the classroom. There was a lot of 'shes over-reacting' and 'she's a waste anyways.' And also a few of Mikans swolen whines.
Though it kind of hurt to hear people talking shit about me I kept my cool demeanour and held my head high, picking up my footsteps to leave the school.

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