The Haunting

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"Is that him right there?"

"*sigh* Yeah, that's him."

"Alright, I'll be next to you just in case he tries anything. Should I introduce myself?"

"If you want. Hopefully after tonight you won't ever meet him again."

"I'll be polite. Try to start this nicely. Here we go."

"Matthew, what are you doing here?"

"Hailey told me you were going to be here, babe. What's wrong? When I called you, you seemed extremely pissed. Who's this?"

"I'm Tom, Cassandra's boss, nice to meet you. I asked her to spend the night with me since I was feeling a bit down."

"What kind of boss asks his employee to spend the night with him? Cassandra, is there something going on between you two?"

"Let's not jump into comclusions, mate. I'm her boss, she's my employee, but I needed a friend tonight and I called her. We're not together or anything."

"I asked her, not you. Cassandra?"

"Matthew, shut up. He's my boss and my friend, ok? He needed me so I came over to see what was wrong. Besides, this is none of your business since you and I are not together anymore. So how about you go back to Texas and leave me alone? And don't EVER call me 'babe''."

"I will once you tell me what is wrong. Was it something I said that angered you?"

"No. I wasn't even listening to you to begin with. You know I don't want to hear from you or even hear your name around me ever again. You repel me, Matthew. I don't know what I saw in you in the first place, you lying son of a bitch. I told you not to talk to me or Hailey ever again. I don't love you anymore. So leave me alone and move on."

"Cassandra, you have to let that go. Yes, I lied, but so what? It's not like you didn't keep things from me. We all have secrets. It doesn't matter."

"Let me enlighten you as to why it bothered me so much. You talked to your ex who, may I remind you, cheated on you with your best friend. Seriously Matthew, you're telling ME to let things go? Who's the one trying to get back together with the girl that cheated on them or tries to get revenge on her? Who's the one contacting MY friend to see what I'm doing and where I am? Who's the one that FLEW TO LONDON to check up on me? Who's the one that just won't leave me alone and keeps bugging me?! YOU need to let go and move on. Grow up, Matthew."

"I'm still in love with you! You're the only that has made me happy in a long time, Cassandra. How can I let that go?!"

"I don't care! YOU fucked that up, not me. And now I don't want you in my life. So fuck off and let me live my life."

"Alright, mate. You better go."

"How about you shut the fuck up, you English prick! This doesn't concern you. You said it yourself, you're not together! So back the fuck up and let us handle this alone."

"You're right, we're not together, but I still care about her. And after she told me what you did and what I saw tonight, you're not good enough for her and should leave right now before you and I have a problem."

"Fuck. You."

"Alright, you asked for it, mate."

 "Tom, no!"


"I told you to stop, but you didn't listen. This is on you, not me. I bloody gave you a warning, mate. Stay the fuck away from Cassandra or you'll get punched even worse. She should file a restraining order on your sorry ass, maybe then you'll understand how much of a nuissance you are to her and how you're affecting her life in the most unwanted way. Just back off. We're not together, but for fucks sake, have some common sense and back off when you're given a warning."

"Tom, enough. He gets it."

"Just making sure. Look, I'm sorry, but he needs to learn and apparently the way you were doing it wasnt' working. Maybe this will. *sigh* I'm going to go inside and bring the first aid kit. Wait here."

"Alright. Hey, is it broken?"

"What do you think?"

"He did give you a warning, Matthew. You should've stopped."

"Yeah, whatever. Your boyfriend, excuse me, your boss gives quite a punch."

"Yeah, well, he does work out and practice for roles, I wouldn't expect less."

"He's an actor?"

"Um, yeah. You haven't seen The Avengers? He's Loki, for fucks sake. Everyone knows who he is!"

"I guess I just didn't recognie him. Fuck, this really hurts. I'm gonna have to go to the hosptal and get this fixed before I go home."

"No shit."

"So you two aren't dating?"

"Nope. I think we've covered this a few times tonight, dude. Did you not hear him and I say it a bllion times?"

"Oh, no, I heard it, trust me. I just thought that you guys were lying to keep me from getting hurt or something. I don't know."

"No, we were serious."

"Well. from what I saw, he really likes you already. And not just as an employee or friend."

"Matthew, shut up, he doesn't. He's Tom fucking Hiddleston, he has far better looking girls on their knees for him everywhere he goes. I doubt he thinks about me like that."

"No, I'm serious. He punched me for you. I don't think someone who didn't like you would do that."

"He did what he thought was right, that's all."

"Think whatever you want, I know what I saw, Cassandra."

"Yeah, well, I think you're delusional. Here, get up."


"Here you go. Look, mate, sorry. I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone right now and you just made me let my anger out. I called a cab to come pick you up and take you to the hospital, it should be here soon."

"Yeah, whatever. Look, I'm leaving Cassandra alone for good. I get that she needs space and doesn't want to be with me anymore, but I swear to God if you do anything to hurt this girl, I will come here again and this time you won't be able to bring me down so easily. I know, I know, you guys aren't a couple, but I don't care. Just don't do anything to make her sad or mad because trust me, the day you lose her you will regret it more than anything in the world. She's an amazing girl and she deserves someone that realizes that. She deserves to have someone love her unconditionally and never doubt it for a second. Got it?"


"Cassandra, I'm talking to him. Do you understand, Tom?"

"Yeah, I understand, Matthew."

"Good. Cassandra, I'm sorry for everything I did. You deserved better. I'll get out of your way now. Good luck and I hope you have a happy life. If you ever need me, don't hesitate to call, ok?"

"Ok. You may want to go to the hospital now, you're bleeding pretty bad."

"Yeah, I'm going. Goodbye."

"Bye, Matthew. Good luck to you too. I really do hope that you find someone."

*Matthew gets in cab and drives away*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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