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Im scared as sh*t ! This is the first time im putting my stories on here ! i hope you like ! (Excuse all typos)

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"The prettiest eyes cried the most tears."


Dria- *on the floor crying* Im sorry i didnt mean to  !

??- *kicks her in the stomach* SHUT THE F*CK UP F*CKING B*TCH ! *punches her in the face*


"The loving hearts have felt the most pain."


??- baby you know how much i love you right ?

Dria-*sniffling laying in his chest* yeah

??- *carresses her cheek with his thumb* im sorry baby for hurting you i was drunk and she meant

nothing to me

Dria- *laying there not looking at him* I know

??- You mad at me ?

Dria- of course not *lying*

??-*smiles*  i love you *kisses you*

Dria- *hesitates then kisses back*


"The softest skin have the most scars."

FLASHBACK                                                                                                                                                      -Dria-*walks in the bathroom and locks the door, you stare at yourself in the

mirror a tear falls*

~~ Dria's POV~~

*Takes out razor and cuts her thigh.*

Me-*exales deeply and bites her lip trying to conceal her scream*

??- Dria ? You ok ??

Me- Yeahh *grabs a towel and wraps it around her thigh* give me a minute

??-ok just hurry up your food is getting cold

Me- Yes m'am

??- *leaves*

Me- *slides down the door and crys silently*


"The prettiest smiles hides the hurt souls."


Dria- *walking down the street listening to her ipod*

??- Hey Dria wait up !

Dria- *turns around and takes headphone out* 

??- *catches up* heyy *smiles* you walk mad fast its like your running from a


Dria- *smiles* maybe i was ! *teasing him*

??- *gives her a serious look then smiles* So you going to the (???) ?

Dria- Idk yet i have alot going on *looks down and thinks of ??*

??- *worried* you ok ?

Dria- *looks up and giggles at how worried he is* yeah im fine ... C'mon we're

gonna be late *starts walking a lil faster*

??- *smiles* ok and *stops her in her tracks* by the way you have a beautiful smile

Dria- *smiles and blushes and rolls eyes*  Whatever c'mon *grabs his hand*


*Banging on the door*

Dria-*jumps looks at the door*


Dria- *jumps up and quickly puts your ipad away in your backpack*


Dria-*goes over to the window and jumps out*

[Your on the 2nd floor]

*Starts running starts looking back to see if ?? is following you the bumps into

someone and falls down*

Dria- *Falls in glass* Ah shit ! *looks at your hands covered in blood and broken


???- Oh shit my bad ma

Dria- *looks up at ??? and ......


AH ! I know it was kinda boring but this is just a Intro/Teaser :) btw my chapters might be a lil short in the beginning but they will become longer after like the first 5 or 6 chapters :) !

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