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Your POV
I was getting ready for the night. Changing into a tank top and sweats. I sigh. "Hopefully I sleep tonight..." I think. Laying down.

~few hours later~

I stare up at the ceiling. "Fuck..." I say. Not moving. I sigh. Then I get out of bed. Walking out of my room. I grab some water taking sips of it. Then I set the cup down. Staring at it. I hear little paws walking up behind me. Then whimpers. I turn and see Octavia. "Hey Octavia.." I say. Looking at her. She stares back. Whimpering more. I sigh. "If you're worried about me... I'm fine cutie." I say. Looking at her.  She doesn't move. "Oh who am i kidding... I'm not fooling you huh?" I ask. She whimpers walking up more. I sit on the floor. "I'm sorry if you're worried Octavia.... So is Jaren..." I say. Tears form.  Thinking about how I would just push him and the others away from helping me. Mostly him. More tears fall. I covered my face. Crying. On the floor. In the dark kitchen. Octavia rests her head on my lap. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm such a pain..." I say. Looking at her. She whines. I was crying worse now. "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry Jaren! I'm sorry guys!... I wish I wasn't so annoying... I wish you didn't have to deal with my annoying pain!" I cried out. "You're not annoying... You're more than you think..." I hear a voice say. Realizing someone was hugging. I gasp. They pull me close. "We all care..." I hear John say. "J-john..." I think out loud. Then I burts out crying again. Hugging him tighter. "It's alright beautiful... I'm right here." He says sweetly. Right into my ear as I cried in his shoulder. He gentaly rubbed my back. "Shh... It's ok. I'm here for you." He says. "J-john.... I feel horrible... I m-miss Chris...." I say. "We all do... But he wouldn't wanna see you cry butterfly...." John's words made me feel light. His nicknames he called me. Made me feel calmer. I move and face him. Staring into his eyes. He stares back. Then he reaches and wipes my tears away. I learned closer. Warmth. Was all I felt. I rest my head against his. Our foreheads touched. He had wide eyes. Looking frozen. "*sniff* John... Is it true? Am I not annoying?... Do I not bother you guys with how I am?" I ask. Wanting to know. "Why ask that? You should know it doesn't..." "But I always push them away when they tried comforting me... But... You never asked... You never said anything.... You never really talked to me after... Do you hate me?" I ask. Realizing that he never really talked to me that much after. I started to tear up more. "What?! No! I'd never hate you... I've never really talked with you because.... I was also going through stuff as well." He says. I just move back. But he keeps me close. "Listen... Y/n. I'd never hurt you... You're one of my best friends. I'd always keep you close with everyone else." I sigh looking away. "Y/n..." He makes me face him. "Please believe me..." He says. I feel guilt build up. I bit my lip. "Please..." He says. I stare at him. "I... I believe you." I say. I was being honest. John would never lie to me in these situations. Nor would I lie to him ever. I was always honest with him and Jaren. Mostly him. Because I always trusted him more for some reason. He smiles. I smile back. "Come on... We should go sit on the couch. Instead of the cold kitchen floor." John says laughing. "But I like it here..." I say. "Besides. I'm too tired and lazy to move now." I giggled. "Alright then.... Leave me no choice." He says. Standing up. I look at him questioningly. But then gasp. "John!" I scream. As he picked me up. "Quiet down... You'll wake up Jaren." He says. "Put me down then.... Or I'll yell 'rape'." I say. Having an evil smile. "Fine. Scream all you want then... But it'll be you're fault Smii7y is cranky." He says with a sly smirk. "Dick..." I say looking away. "Ow my feelings..." He says sarcastically. "Oh shut up! You! You... Ugh..." I groan. Getting annoyed.  But then I realized we past the living room and were heading towards my room. "John?" I ask confused. We go into my room. "Don't worry... I wouldn't do anything without your permission. I'm just letting you get comfortable. So you can go back to sleep... You need it." He says quietly and sweetly. Laying me down. "You're not leaving me are you?" I ask. Facing him. Laying on my side. Worried he will leave. He smiled and shook his head. Sitting on the floor resting his arms on my bed and moving some hair away from my face. "John..." I say. "Hmm?" "Come lay by me... It's not comfortable on the floor."  I say. He smiles. "No I'm ok." He says. I sigh. "Then you'll keep me awake thinking how you'll fall asleep but in a very uncomfortable position." I say. He sighs. "Fine..." He says. Getting up. Climbing onto my bed. Laying next to me. I smile. Feeling tired for once. I scoot closer to him. We cover ourselves into the blankets. "Y/n... I'm only staying until you fall asleep." He says facing me. I smile closing my eyes. "No... Sleep with me." I say. Feeling warmth and something else. I grabbed his hands holding them. Feeling sleepy. I keep us like this. Knowing John is in shock. Hesitant to move or say no. I then start to fall asleep.

John's POV
'Fuck fuck fuck!' I think. My face was so warm. 'Are we actually doing this?!' I question myself. 'Dont panic... It's alright. Just calm your self. She wanted you to stay... So stay. Comfort her...' I tell my self. Holding her hands as she held mine. Knowing she fell asleep. I smile. Looking at her sleep peacefully. I move closer and kiss her forehead. "Good night beautiful... I love you." I say quietly. Falling asleep.

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