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You may play music

I've been planning on visiting my two best friends. Jaren and Y/n. Also known as the two youtubers Smii7y and FrixxyGames (Crappie name I know leave meh alone!). Smii7y is a great friend. We love joking around a lot. He's a fuckin meme. We say stupid shit together. He's my mother fuckin borther! But Y/n is different. She's my doll. My princess. I love her so much. But being the chiken shit I am. I'm too afraid to say anything to her. To admit I love her more than a friend. The worst thing is seeing your crush down in the blues. It breaks me. Seeing her down. She hasn't been herself lately. Ever since chris died. He was a very close friend too. Treated y/n like a little sister. He knew about me liking y/n. "John whenever you man up and ask y/n out... Don't fuck up. Or I'll find you and make you suffer! I know you won't but I just have to warn you. Also... Just be you man. Show her how you feel about her." He said to me before he was heading back to his home. That was the last time I saw him. When me and him spent a week together with Jaren and Y/n. He was last to leave. He waited for Y/n and Jaren to leave. Just to say that. Now that he's gone. I'm trying my hardest to man up but always fail. I really love her because she's like me. Makes lot's of jokes and has no shame. Fuck, her laugh and smile always makes me feel warmth. She doesn't give single shit of people's opinions on how she looks. But is so blind at her beauty. Saying "Meh... There's prettier girls out there." It makes me love her more. It makes me wanna prove her words wrong. Her jokes. Her voice. Holy shit could I just listen to her talk everyday. She is an angel. My angel. I wanted her to be mine. I'm fuckin ranting on about her... But I could... Because why not? I'm gonna head over there. Her and Jaren live together. Because they're like siblings as well. Almost alike.... Except y/n's fuckin cuter. Damn I keep ranting.... I'm going over to see her. To cheer her up. To make my Doll happy once more. Because I can tell a fake laugh. I noticed a forced smile. I can hear the cry for help... Because I've been through it all before... Before I met her....

Hey peeps hope ya like this! Imma probably up date slowly. Because I has school so yeah... But anyways I'll see ya in the next chapter! Buh bye!!!

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