PARCOR Midterm Reviewer

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-two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property or industry to a common fund with the intention of dividing profit amonth themselves

General Professional Partnership
-exercise of profession

-Mutual Contributuon
-Division of Profit and Losses
-Co Ownership of Contributed Assets
-Mutual Agency
-Limited Life
-Unlimited Liabilty
-Income Taxes
-Partner's Equity Accounts


1. Accordibg to object
-Universal Partnership of all present propert
-Universal Partnership of profits
-Particular Partnership

2. According to Liability

3. According to duration
-fixed term
-at will

4. According to purpose

5. According to legality
-De Jure
-De Facto

Kinds of Partners

Fair Market Value
-estimated amount that a willing seller would receive from a financially capable buyer for the sale of the asset

Partnership may be formed:
1. Individuals with no existing business
2. Conversion of sole
3. Admission or retirement

-allocation of profits to a partner on the basis of performance

Prior period errors
-are omissions from and other mistatements of the financial statements for one or more periods that are discovered in the current period

Profit and loss ratio
-ratio in which profits or losses from partnership operations are distributed

-provisions for salaries and interest in the partnership agreement

-the partnership is not terminated

-winding up of the business; terminated

Causes of Dissolution
-admission of a partner
-withdrawal or retirement of a partner
-death of a partner

A person may become a partner by:
-purchase of interest from partners
-investment of asset

-conversion of non cash assets into cash

Right of offset
-legal right of a partner to apply part of all of his loan account balance against his capital deficiency

Methods of Partnership Liquidation
1. Lump Sum
-all non cash assets are realized and all liabilities are settled before the final cash distribution to the partners

2. Installment
-realization of non cash asset is accomplished over an extended period of time. Two types: a. Schedule of Safe Payments b. Cash Priority Program

Credits to Sir Ballada :)

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