CFAS 16: PAS 23

702 3 0

Borrowing Costs - defined as interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with borrowing of funds.

a. Interest expense calculated using effective interest method
b. Finace charge with respect to a finance lease
c. Foreign currency

Qualifying Asset - that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for the intended use or sale

a. Manufacturing plant
b  Power generation facility
c. Intangible asset
d. Investment property

Borrowing cost can be capitalized when the asset is a qualifying asset, expensed if not.

>Specific borrowing - the amount of capitalizable borrowing cost is the actual borrowing cost incurred during the peruod less any investment income from temporary investment of those borrowings.
>General borrowing - the amount of capitalizable borrowing cost is equal to the average carrying amount of the asset multiplied by a capitalization rate or average interest rate.

-the capitalized borrowing cost shall not exceed the actual interest incurred

-average interest rate equals to the total annual borrowing cost divided by the total general borrowings outstanding during the period

-any investment income is not deducted


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