Information and Just Dance

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‘I wonder where Michael is.’, thought Jeremy as he sat down at their usual table, Soon enough the table was slowly filled by his other friends. There was only two spaces empty, one beside him and one beside Brooke. ‘Maybe they're still in class, teachers tend to like to talk to students in breaks.’

The rest of the group thought that maybe Chloe had taken Michael away so that they could have a talk with Jeremy about his situation. Christine slid towards Jeremy, so that she could whisper to him.

“Yo, did you ask Michael about what we discussed a few days ago?”

“No mom, I promised that I was going to do it later. Maybe today or tomorrow. My dad and his moms left us alone so we have all the time in the world, until they come back that is.”

“I don't wanna sound like I'm imposing too much in your guy's relationship, but maybe a deep talk between you too could lead up to some dating later on.”

“You should get my hopes up Chris, we don't even know if he actually knows anything, plus, how could something he could say could lead to us dating?”

“Life is just full of surprises Jere, but at least keep that in mind ok.”

“Absolutely, thanks anyway Chris.”

“It's fine.”, she slid back towards her usual sit, finishing the conversation.

“Hey Tall-ass.”, called Rich.

“Yeah arson-boi.”

“Ouch, too soon man. Can I ask you something?”

“Don't call me Tall-ass then and sure, you can ask, but that doesn't mean I'll answer.”

“Touché, I was asking around, as in peeps form this table if they have ever thought romantically of one of their friends.”

Jeremy started blushing hard, but he tried to cover it, “Y-yeah so?”

“I wanted to know if you had those thoughts about anyone, simple as that.”

“I think it's common knowledge that I used to think about Christine and I,”, Jeremy said, then he added. “not anymore obviously.”

“We knew that.”, said Jake as he hugged Rich. “But, like, anyone else.”

“Don't worry, it's between us and the thoughts don't have to mean anything anyway.”, Brooke said with a smile.

“We'll even join if you want.”, said Jenna. “I'm more than a gossip dispenser, I won't tell anyone.”

“Since I asked, I'll do first.”, said Rich. “Believe it or not, after I found out that I was bi at the hospital, I kinda fell for our buddy Antisocial Headphones Kid, it was short lived though, since I always had a thing for Jakey and look at us now.”

Jeremy was surprised at this new obtained information. He felt jealousy starting to for in the pit of his stomach, but he tried to ignore it. Rich was with Jake anyway. What he didn't know was that Rich did that on purpose to see what his reactions found to be as.

“I had thoughts about Chloe and Christine,”, said Jake as a matter of fact. “believe it or not, I also had some feeling for Rich here, but I thought that he was straight so I ignored my feelings and went for girls instead.”

“Aww babe.”, said Rich, and they starting kissing.

“Well, I've had thoughts about you Jerry and Chloe even.”, said Brooke blushing. “It's perfectly normal to think about your friend like that, I mean, you've been together for so long that it would be impossible not to think about it.”

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