PART 10.

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My apartment is a state! It looks like no one's lived here for centuries, the entire building looks like it's crumbling down, I'm brought back to reality when Tony lets out a yelp. I turn around to see him on the hard wooden floor, he gets up and rubs his bum "I went to sit on the couch." I don't see a sofa "But there isn't one." "Apparently not, but it looks like there's one there." The man with the eyepatch speaks "It seems like the other one is real but disguised for us and this one is a mirage. Miss Parker, something very strange is going on here and I don't think it's a dream, I think you're being manipulated."

By who...? By what?

We go to a nearby restaurant to talk and try to figure things out, the rest of the time flies by as I sit there trying to understand everything that's happening. I suddenly hear a faint beeping in my ears "Guys." No one responds, the beeping gets louder "Guys!" Steve and Tony look over but no one else does, they nudge the others to look at me, by this point the beeping is making it hard to concentrate "Goodnight." I close my eyes and their words of retaliation are cut off, I open my eyes and hit my alarm clock.

Another day... or is it? I don't even know what's real anymore.

I go about my day like normal, but there's no smile on my face like usual, I'm too confused to smile. I've just finished with a patient and head to the staff room to get some tea, a man in a Police uniform nods to me, I manage one back. As I pass the door he's standing beside he grabs my arm "Are you Doctor Ellie Parker?" "I am, what's this about, Officer?" "Can we talk in private?"

I guess tea will have to wait.

I lead the Officer to an empty meeting room, we both sit down "My name is Sergeant Bradley Walker. I'm working a case that has just been re-opened with fresh evidence, our number one suspect is a man who's been in this hospital under your care for the past 27 months." Julian Patel, the very first patient who came in when I started working here, he's been in a coma ever since and I've been in charge of his care along with my normal duties "His name is-" "Julian Patel, yes, I care for him." "Excellent, I need to see him." "He's in a coma, he can't answer your questions." "I don't need him to speak."

I'll ask my boss, see what he says.

"I'll just get permission for you to visit him, will you hang on just a moment?" He nods and leans back on his chair, I take my pager out of my pocket and contact my boss. When he arrives in the meeting room the situation is explained, he allows it but tells me I must stay with the Officer. So I lead him to Julian and close the door behind us "What do you need from him?" The Officer stands with his back to me, facing Julian "I need him dead." He pulls out a gun and shoots Julian, the gun is silent, I move to press the alarm but I'm whacked around the head. I hit the floor and everything goes dark.

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