chapter 4

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(Next day)

(y/n)'s pov:

We were at the usj for training when suddenly a giant portal showed up and a whole group of villians appeared out of it, looks like most of them are just low level thugs, some of the students tried going towards them "Stay back!" "These are villains." Me and Aizawa said as we got ready to fight them

I was taking villains left and right with my beast mode, then that giant bird....thing that took down Aizawa, attacked me, I was thrown back quite a bit, but I quickly got back up and attacked him, as the fight went on I felt myself losing control

Midoriya's pov:

As we got passed the shipwreck zone, we went to the center of the battle to see how the teachers are handling the villains and it doesn't look all to well, mr. Aizawa is on the floor and (l/n) is fighting a big villain, but it doesn't look like how he regularly fights, it's like he's not himself, his attacks are so wild and impatient compared to his other attacks

All of a sudden the villain with a lot of hands on his body came towards us and was about to touch Tsu. I tried to punch him with One for all, surprisingly my arm's not broken, but once I looked up it wasn't the hand guy, it was that giant villain that (y/n) was fighting, did it take him down?!?

That's when (y/n) jumped on his back and got him away from me, he then looked at me and we locked eyes, his eyes look so feral and out of control, he pounced on top of me and growled at me "(y/n) what are you doing?!?! It's me! Izuku! Please snap out of it!!!" He continued to growl at me and we locked eyes again "please..." his eyes then widened and he stopped growling at me, he got off me and started to shift back into his human form. He smiled at me, then he fell to his knees "(y/n)! Are you alright?!" He grunted "I'm fine....just overused my quirk, not to mention....I lost control back there....Izuku.....thank you...for bringing me back..." he then passed out, right at that moment, All Might came in

(Time skip)

(y/n)'s pov:

I woke up in a strange place, I still can't really think clearly either "ughhhh where am I?" When I could see a little more clearly I realized I was chained up "what the fuck...." "I see you're awake." I saw that weird guy with the hands "oh, it's you, handyman, mind getting me out of these?" I couldn't really look at his expression since there was a hand over his face but I think he's pissed "I'm afraid we can't do that, (l/n)." Another voice said "well then how about you tell why you're keeping me here." "We want you to be our spy." I started laughing at that "you'd seriously think I'd do that?" Are they idiots or something? I would never turn my back on the heroes "we thought so. That's why we had something special made." The mist guy said as he pulled a serum and injected into me from my neck, everything went to black again.

(Time skip)

I woke up in an alleyway somewhere in the city, I can't remember anything past fainting at the usj "ughhhh, what time is it?" I walked out of that alley and started heading to my apartment, let's just hope I can find it

(Time skip)

After finally getting to my apartment after searching and stopping for some fans, I made it to my apartment, I changed out of my costume and went to bed

(Next day)

I got back to U.A. after being away for apparently 2 days. The sports festival is about a week away, I wonder what they're gonna throw at the students, guess we'll have to wait to find out

Sorry it took a while to make this one, I'm a little busy with exams, I'll try to make the chapters as fast as possible, see you next time!

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