Chapter 10

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I walked into the hallway and they all staring at me...

???: "nice tattoos"

Me: "thank you"

I headed to my locker.

Tim noticed that I was wearing a short dress,
came towards me and said:
"couldn't you wear jeans?"

I looked at him and said:
"well someone ruined my last one!"

I saw the pain is his eyes and said:
"sorry, I've shouldn't said that....! Listen, what happened! I never forget, but I'll forgive you!"

He looked at me,
smiled and said:
"I know and I'm truly sorry for hurting you, would you be friends? I meen....!"

Me: "Tim.... We can be friends, I know you like me but 'us' is never gonna happen....okay?"

Tim: "I can live with that....! Thank you, can I give you a hug?..."

I just look at him and he said: "will you ever trust me again?"

I smiled and said:
"just need time okay?"

I gave him a little hug.

I took my stuff and close my locker and turned around.

I saw Enik staring at us and his face charged.

Enik: "okay lady's and gentleman... Are you ready?"

We were walking to the car,
took places and he started the engine.

Enik: "maby I should give Lisa a ride, I meen, Tim wouldn't mind if you're driving with him.....!"

He looked at me...

Me: "Well..... ! If you want to? I'm sure she wouldn't mind that you gave her a 'ride'!"

He grabbed my neck and started to kiss me...

Me: "uhg..... Your so hot when your jealous....!

He started to drive and after a while he took my hand.

After a 3 hour drive we arived at the hotel and checking us in.

Enik: "I'll give all of you 2 hours to unpack, we will meet in the restaurant to have a little lunch before we leave to the centre"

They all nodded,
took our suitcases and search the room number.

Enik opened the door and we walked inside...


The room was very nice,
king size bed, bubble bath.

Emma dropped her stuff and walked to the bathroom.

She came back and said:
"this room is amazing"

"Girl, what are you doing to me..."

I walked towards her,
putting my hands on her waist and pulled her thigh to me.

I placed one hand on her neck and kisst her with passion.

I want her so badly....

I took my hands of her and walked to the suitcases.

She was standing there, total in shock...


What the hell happened....

I was just standing there, couldn't move.

That kiss....
It was so......

And he tells me what I'm doing to him?

Well you have no idea what you're doing to me.

He smiled and I noticed that I was daydreaming....

He's unpacking his Stuff.

What should I do....
I'm scared....
I want to....

I walked to him,
but someone knocked on the door...

Uhg... Really?

Enik: "Lisa!"

He looked behind him and looked at me

I gave him a 'serious' look

Enik: "can I help you, something wrong?"

Lisa: "I can't open my suitcase, would you mind?"

Enik looked at me and said: "sure"

He came back really fast,
and he was in shock...

Me: "what happened?"

Enik: "She..... She.... Tried to.... Kiss me!"

Me: "did you kiss......"

But he cut me of.. "Of course not...."

I walked to him,
gave him a little kiss on his forehead and laugh.

Me: "You knew she was up to something"

He was still in shock.

Me: "all she wanted is that you would 'ride' her.....!"

Enik: "should I report this? I meen...."

Me: "No, when she's up to something else, you should report it! Just be careful....!"

We headed to the restaurant and we took a plate.

Enik: "You have to eat something"

Me: "sorry I'm not hungry....!"

And I took a seat.

Boy's against girl's and noticed that I was against Tim.

Enik was the head of the table, next to me...

We had a lot of fun,
Lisa was very quiet...

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