Chapter 16

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Its December,
Enik and I had our 1 anniversarie.

Is was cold and there was a lot of snow.

We planned a school Christmasfair.
And everything was perfect....

After everything that did happened became Tim and I best friends, we did a lot of stuff together...

I took a nice cup of warm chocolate milk and walked outside.

I found Tim and he was sneaky eating candy....

Me: "found yah...."

Tim: "woooooow Emma... You scared me....!"

It was freezing...

A couple of students had a snowball fight and I got hit....

I looked around and saw Enik laughing....


Felix got hit to, looked around and yelled:
"WTF..... TJ!"

I saw TJ with a hudge snowball and
walked towards Enik....

Enik saw him and tried to escape...

I laughed so hard, but saw him running towards me...

Enik: "Emma.. help me...."

He was to late...

TJ hit him...

Enik: "TJ.... You're dead....!"

Tim and I went ice skating...

We had so much fun...

Later that day...

Enik: "babe? I have to leave...!"

Me: "ugh realy? Come home soon, what should I do those 3 day's."

Yup! He needed to leave for another teacher workshop this weekend.

Enik: "you'll be fine...
Now you have all time to work on your project with Tim, ask him, you can use the Musicroom.. !"

Hmmm, should I?

Me: "okay, I'll ask him....!"

I kissed him goodbye and said: "have fun....!"

I texted Tim

Tim: "This song is gonna be AMAZING!!!"

Me: "I hope so, it took a lot of work...!

Tim: " finally finished... Uhg... I'm going home..."

Me: "I'm so tired! I'll see you monday at school."

We walked to the living room, he took his stuff and said:
"go sleep, goodnight...!

I nodded and walked him to the door....

He came towards me, gave me hug and.....

Me: "Tim....."

Tim: "I'm sorry."

I looked at him...

I know it's wrong, but we came lately very close...

I saw the real him and he changed a lot sinds he's no longer friends with Yoongi...

I don't want to cheat on enik, but I don't even recognize my feelings anymore...

Me: "You should better leave...."

He walked to door and left....


What is wrong with me....

I love that girl so much...

Why did I kissed her...

I know she loves Enik and I don't want to break them....


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