Chapter 57

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Hope y'all like the new cover. I made it 😭enjoy 🖤

3 hours.

I've been up for 3 hours trying to get Carnell to go back to sleep. He woke up crying his eyes out. He  doesn't want his bottle, he doesn't need to be changed, I don't know why he's been crying.

He's not crying now, he's just fussing but in a good 3 minutes he'll be starting back up. Then I had to let him cry for a second because Kayden woke up and needed to get fed. After he ate, I burped him and allowed him to lay in his crib and fall right back to sleep, which was great. Carnell on the other hand— sleep looks like it's not happening.

"Why are you giving mommy a hard time?" I said while I walked around and talked to him.

I had his attention, he's looking at me searching my face,  but believe he's about to start crying again.

I finally thought to use my brain after 3 hours, and picked up my phone to maybe google search it.

I scrolled, only seeing the typical reasons; needing to be changed, hungry or just wanting attention. I kept scrolling, maybe I'll luck up and find something better than this.

Acid reflux.

Trapped gas.

Now those sounded like possibilities. It directed me to continuously pat his back until he burps.

I laid a cloth on my shoulder and did so, hoping I'd be hearing one soon.

He let out a long, loud burp and a little spit up even came up. He no longer cried though, not even fuss.

I'm so mad at myself, I should've knew that.. or at least thought to look it up sooner than this.

I wiped him down and changed his onesie. I laid him on his stomach in my bed while rubbing his back, he fell asleep in no time and I transferred him to his crib.

Thank god.

It's 6 in the morning, let me at least try to go back to sleep.

Hours later:

I'm so tired.

It feels as if I hadn't slept at all.

I don't have to go in for a shoot, luckily. Next time I do I wanna bring the boys with me so I can take a shoot with them, it's going to be adorable.

They were still asleep and I should still be asleep, I know. But it's 1 in the afternoon, I've slept long enough. I need to be being productive, cleaning up is what I think I should do.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and then headed downstairs to tend to the living room which hadn't been cleaned in weeks since I've been so caught up. I haven't had the chance to even hear my music like I've been wanting to.

I turned it on low while I begin straightening up.

It took me approximately an hour and a half to get it nice and neat how I wanted it. I checked on the twins before taking me a shower.

Right when I finished getting dressed, I heard a knock on my front door.

I pulled my shirt over my head and went downstairs.

"Hm.." I said once I opened the door, realizing who it was— Maurice.

"Don't hmm me, hey to you too." He said and closed the door behind him.

"Why you ain't call me?" He asked while sitting his keys on the table.

"Me? Call you? For what? You the one stormed out of here with an attitude yesterday." I said

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