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Taehyung looked into the mirror and smiled. He scanned himself and nodded. He looked good, lets just hope Yoongi liked it too.

It had been a week since his talk with Seokjin. He couldn't get the conversation out of his head and finally decided what to do.

He was going to confess his feelings.

Jin had called Taehyung informing him about the boys outings. Jimin has wanted to go to the new zoo in the city and Jungkook finally planed a day to take him. The other decided to join, all except Yoongi. Yoongi would be alone in the house which made it perfect. Taehyung felt better knowing it would be just them too.

The human looked himself in the mirror one last time and made his way out of his apartment.


Taehyung pulled up at the vampires mansion. He let out a deep breath, gripping the steering wheel.

The boy stayed in the car for a few more seconds but soon made his way out and into the house. He nervously opened the door his shaky hands balling up. He could do this he knew he could. Tae started to go up the stairs when he heard it. He froze and looked around confused. He shook his head and began to walk again but a groan could be heard, once again. Taehyung froze again and listened. He heard another groan followed but a moan. Who the hell was that?
Was Jimin and Jungkook home?
The couldn't be though or the others would be here. Taehyung was confused and curious now, as he began walking the noise were getting louder. He soon noticed that the moans were more high pitched then any of the boys. The moans belonged to a woman.
Was someone feeding?
Taehyung neared Yoongi's room and without thinking he walked in.

"Oh fuck babe." Taehyung heard. The boy froze, laying in bed was a girl, with Yoongi on top of her. It was pretty clear that they were naked and well having sex. The two turned and looked at Taehyung. Yoongi stopped and his eyes widen, the girl gave an annoyed look at the younger boy.

"Taehyung." He called out. The human snapped out of it, and felt his heart shatter.

"I-I." Taehyung gulped and blinked the tears away, he couldn't show Yoongi his tears. "Oh my god, I-I am so sorry, I d-didn't mean to- I'm sorry." Taehyung finally looked away and stepped back out, shutting the door behind him.

"Taehyung! Wait!"

But Taehyung could only hear the beating of his broken heart and he quickly made his way down the stairs. He knew Yoongi wouldn't feel the same. Why would he? Taehyung didn't look back as he jumped into his car and drove away, finally letting the sob he was holding in out. Taehyung drove home as best he could, wiping his tears and finally broke down when he parked in front of his apartment building. Taehyung sobbed and cried until he couldn't anymore. He let out a sigh as he wiped his face and walked out of his car, up to his house. On his way there he pulled out his phone, he was disappointed when he seen nothing from Yoongi but he should of expected it. He pulled up Seokjin's contact and called him. After a few rings he answered.

"Hey Tae! What's up." Jin spoke.

"You were wrong hyung." Taehyung said.

"Wrong? Tae are you okay?" Jin asked worried. He could hear sad thoughts going around in Taehyung head.

"Yoongi doesn't feel the same way." Taehyung chuckled sadly as his vision became blurry once again.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing hyung, just have fun." Taehyung said and hung up the phone. He unlocked the front door and walked inside his home. He wrapped his arms around himself and sighed. He shut the door and went into his room. Taehyung knew he would have to face Yoongi, but he had to let all his sadness out or else he would cry in front of Yoongi and that is not what he wants. He laid in his bed as tears ran down his face again.


Jin looked at the phone confused. "Jin you okay?" Namjoon asked.

"Taehyung- Im not sure, hold on." Seokjin said and pulled up Yoongi's contact. The phone rang three times before the other picked up.

"Hyung?" Yoongi asked confused. Seokjin could hear sadness and worry in Yoongi's mind but he couldn't fully hear. Yoongi was getting better at blocking Jin out.

"Hey is Tae there? He told me he was going by the house because I'm letting him borrow a book." Jin lied.

"Oh..." Yoongi stayed silent for a while before he cleared his throat. "Yeah he did but I had someone over and he walked in, before you yell, she wasn't food, she uh- she was keeping me company. I think I scared him." Yoongi sighed out. Jin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He understood now.

"Oh okay, but Jesus Yoongs try to be more careful, lock your door, you perv." Jin tried to lighten up the mood but he knew.
Kim Taehyung was devastated.

Hello you beautiful people!
Another chapter for you!
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I love you all ❤️❤️

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