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Taehyung waved as the last kid went home for the day. It had been a few days since he walked in on Yoongi with that girl, and he did not want to think about that. He had avoided going to the mansion, as well as seeing Yoongi. He tired not to make it obvious so he took late shifts and invited the other boys out from time to time. His heart still hurt though he didn't know what to do with his emotions, he had never felt like this before. Why was Min Yoongi making him feel this way.

"Taehyung." The said boy squealed and grabbed the nearest thing to him, which was a toy car, and threw it at the sound of the voice.

"Whoa it's just me." Taehyung finally looked and seen Seokjin standing near the entrance of the daycare. The younger let out a breath as he held on to his heart.

"God you almost killed me." Taehyung shook his head.

"Sorry I didn't mean too." Jin bit his lip. Taehyung chuckled and began cleaning up the toys around him.

"And I didn't mean to throw that car at you." Taehyung laughed. Jin smiled and walked over to the human helping him clean.

"You've been having late shifts huh?" Jin asked. Tae nodded and avoided looking at the older.

"Yeah one of my co-workers have been busy and asked me to fill in so I usually leave around 6 now." Taehyung tells the elder. Jin hums knowing the truth but not wanting to push the hurt human.

"Come over tonight then. It's a Friday so you don't go to work tomorrow." Jin invited him as Taehyung finished cleaning and began to close up.

"I um I don't know hyung, I made plans with Jimin." Taehyung said hoping Jin would drop it. This time the vampire sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Jimin and Jungkook are going on a trip this weekend, I know you don't have plans." Jin sighed again. "Tae-" The elder began but was cut off.

"Hyung, I just I don't know if I can face him." Taehyung said, tears welling up. Jin sighed and sat down on the reading couch, patting the space next to him. Taehyung sighed and finished putting the last toy away and walked over, sitting next to his hyung.

"Tae.. i know it's hard, but you can't avoid him forever. He doesn't say it but he misses you." Jin informs him. Taehyung shakes his head. If before he thought that Yoongi couldn't like him back he was sure he didn't now.

"Just come, you don't have to talk to him, but we do miss you and the boys are already fixing the house, and they are cooking, so hurry before they burn down the house." Jin half joked. Taehyung smiled and nodded, getting up and following Jin out. He locked the daycare up and went to his car.


Taehyung left out a deep breath as he pulled up to the mansion behind Jin. He parked his car and got out. He slowly walked up the small steps to the house, he knew he was being dramatic but he was scared. Jin opened the door and they both walked in, a smell of burnt food hit their nose as they heard noise coming from the kitchen, Seokjin sighed and turned to Tae.

"See I told you." He shook his head and went into the kitchen. Tae followed and giggled at the scene in front of him. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi froze at the sound, the three of them stood around the stove, smoke coming from the pan and the meat looking very black.

"You're home." Namjoon spoke and gulped at his lover. Jin shook his hair and walked over to the stove turning it off and removed the pan from the hot stove.

"I told you guys to watch the meat- wait did you take out the casserole?" Jin asked and at that moment smoke started coming from the oven as well. Jin began to cuss as he turned off the oven and opened it, a big cloud of smoke came out causing everyone to cough. "You guys are so dead." Seokjin glared, "now I have to go out and buy more food." The eldest sighed and opened the kitchen window to let the smoke out.

"Hyung it's okay, I'll just order take out." Taehyung giggles and playfully rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone.

"At least let me pay." Seokjin sighed, starting to walk towards his backpack to get his card.

"Oh I know hyung." Taehyung chuckles and grabs Jin's bag as he walks out the kitchen. Yoongi's eyes never leaves the younger as he leaves. The other boys stare but say nothing.

"He finally agreed to come?" Yoongi asked. Jin looked up at him.

"He was busy Yoongs." Jin gives him a small smile, and proceeds to clean the kitchen. Yoongi hides in the doorway of the large living room. Tae picks up the control turning in the tv as he orders himself food. The younger looked so beautiful, he could be doing absolutely nothing and he would still be the most beautiful creature in Yoongi's eyes. The human finally hung up and looked around for something to watch. The other boys finally came out of the kitchen and sat with TaeHyung.

"Food is gonna get here in about an hour." Tae slightly pouts he was hungry after all. Yoongi bits his lip and turns back into the kitchen and heads for the mostly empty pantry. The boys mostly keep their food in a cold place to conserve it which is mostly in the basement just in case but they do keep some in the kitchen. Yoongi sighs and looks though the small amount of human snacks they have, making a mental note to buy more for TaeHyung, oh and of course for Jimin too. He picks up some chips and starts heading back. Yoongi walks in to see them watching twilight, of course TaeHyung would pick that movie. Yoongi chuckles and hands Tae the chips.

"While you wait for your food." Yoongi simply says and sits on the only free couch.

"T-thanks." He hears Tae's soft but deep voice. He sits down and after a while his gaze shifts back to the human. He didn't know why he felt like this. What this feeling meant and it terrified him, from the moment he saved TaeHyung, all he can think about is the human. He has never felt this way in all his decades. Seokjin tried to talk to him but if what Jin says is true then it's best to keep distance, TaeHyung was and is to pure for Min Yoongi, all the vampire brought was darkness and death, and he knew he had to keep Taehyung safe even if it was from himself.

Update! Finally I'm sorry for not updating but my life got so fucking crazy 🙃
I hope you guys enjoy the update and if anyone went to the speak yourself tour please do tell, I went to solder field day 1 it was really great! I had waited 4 years for that day and it was amazing!
Anyway enjoy the update love y'all ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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