A Day and Death

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I see the coral dieing before my eyes one by one bleached. Good thing I live in a nenemie but even that is seeing the effects the humans have put on are oceans so many of my kind have died from there means by making life easier for them but not for use. They only care about one thing there exicents not any other species. One day I feel this will lead to there own doom. But me being the second to last of my speices in clown fish I leave my dieing home. Not knowing if it will be alive for me to come back to tonight. I leave my home for food and a  mate. I know I can not be the last one of my kind but the waters are getting way to hot.  Alot of fish are starting to abandon this Great Reef. But, its time is coming to an end I fear the sea turtles are saying that the waters in the north are growning from the floating soild water could this be part of it? I bet it has someting to do with the humans from the land I spoke to a seagle the other day that said  the humans believe its global warming. The only thing I can do is hope that the world can be saved.  Then there she is the most beutiful fish in the sea to bad we are not ment to be. She is not even a clown fish no  where close. 

      "Hay Sarah any news on what the king has desided?" I say swimming up to her.

  She looks sad and looks down at a bleach coral and lifts her head.

      "We leave tonight to the next reef town over. I am to become mated with there kings son so are two kingdoms can come one and you guys can live." 

I am shocked at this the king said she could marry for love but I guess after what ha been happening we have no choice.

          "Princess Sarah sorry that you can not marry for love. I hope one day he growns to love you as I ..." I start to panic but come up to finish the rest smoothly..." and your other subjects love you." 

Then she leaves. Never to return to this reef for it will never be alive again. I turn to see on the the humans that have been causing this. They look huge and ugly evil and cruel  and the water gets too theick to breathe in it must be the temputare rising more. My enemine will not last the day and I fear I will not either. As the discusing creature leaves I only can image how it can sleep at night knowing of how much blood it has on its hands. I swim to my enemine knowing my life draws near to a close  at least I got to see Sarah one last time as I stop breathing as  forever dead.

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