Pain and suffering

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Thirty-five enemies!

They're gathered behind the pillars! Continue the plan! We'll take them all out right here!" shouted Levi as he launched himself towards enemies together with Mikasa.

"All troups, spread out! Surround them one at a time!" shouted Traute Carven.

(If you don't know who is she: she's Kenny's blonde subordinate who almost killed Hanji in battle from season 3 episode 7)

The hell begun. Smoke was everywhere. Jean, Connie and Hanji joined Mikasa and Levi. They knew they're going to get their hands dirty with blood, but they didn't have other choise. They must get Eren and Historia back no matter what. Even if it costs their lives... or their souls.

Jean was first to kill. He used smoke as advantage to go behind one man and slite his throat. He was looking at his face. It was full of pain and with fear in his eyes. Jean was sick. But he did it... he killed human being...

Connie was chased by two MPs. They shooted at him, but he was fast enought to avoid their bullets. When one of them hooked up for the pillar, Connie appeared above him and swung his blades. He cut him right at the back of the neck, just like Titan...

Other MP, who was female, angrily shouted and aimed her gun at Connie, ready to avenge her fallen comrade. Cennie widened his eyes in shock. He thoigh it was his end until one single arrow came flying and pierced woman's chest. She fell in the smoke... death...

Connie looked at direction which arrow came from and he saw Sasha with disgusted expresion and teeth gritted.

"Sasha..." he knew this was hard for her, for everyone, but they mustn't stop now.

Hanji killed too. Her sword went right through men's abdomen. Blood was all over her face...

Mikasa on the other hand was killing MPs one by one with an ease.

Traute Carven was frightened by strength of the Scouts.

We must stop them! At this rate, we'll het wiped out!

Suddenly she heard screams above her. It was Levi who killed three of her comrades. He was just about to kill her too, when Kenny appeared of nowhere and shooted. Luckily, before bullet hit him, he was behind the pillar.

"Yo, Levi. It's not like I have time to waste on you, but if you get past here, there's not coming back" said Kenny.


"Oh? You're pretty quet there. What is it? Come on, runt, show yourself and I'll ease all of your pains..." Kenny said as he readied his guns "Heh, looks like I'll have to play!"

He jumped with guns ready to fire.

"Your mine! ... What, where are you, midget?!"

Levi wasn't at the spot he expected him to be. Instead, he came from bellow and attacted him with his sword which Kenny blocked using his gun barrel.

"Damn it! You're spunky one! Looks like this is going to be better then I expected!" With that they continued fighting. Kenny was shooting and Levi was using every chance for attack. Levi then attacked with full strengh, but Kenny blocked, this time with large knife. He suddenly pulled another knife and cut Levi's chin. Levi then backed away from him a little and kicked him in the head.

"Oow! You little sh-!"

Levi then rose his sword and made a big slash at Kenny's waist.

"It hurts!" said Kenny as he put his hand on ugly wound while launching himself away.

It won't happen ever again (Rivetra Two-shot)Where stories live. Discover now